With the permission of the respected 🔗 here is her wonderful recipe for making sourdough on grapes.


If you want to bake bread without commercial yeast, you need bread leaven.
The essential ingredients of the starter culture are flour and water, which attract "wild yeast" and "beneficial bacteria" - grapes contain the necessary elements to facilitate this process.
It will take 14 days to ripen the starter culture - 9 days to grow the starter culture and 5 days to strengthen the starter culture. If this process is successful, then you can consider yourself the lucky owner of the leaven. You just have to take a little care of the leaven by feeding it regularly, and it will live with you for many years.

Sourdough on grapes

You will need:

  • 4 liter jar, glass or plastic with lid

  • gauze

  • wooden spoon

  • 500 gr red or black grapes (organik)

  • 1 liter (4 cups) water 25 ° C / 77 ° F

  • 550 gr (3 3/4 cups) flour

It is good to wash your hands, the dishes in which the sourdough and grapes will be made, so that unnecessary bacteria do not develop.
Drinking water must be added to the leaven. If the water is too chlorine, then it is better to use filtered water or spring water from bottles.

Day 1 - start of fermentation
Place the grapes (directly on the twig) on ​​a double layer of cheesecloth, collect the cheesecloth with a bag around the grapes and tie with thread. Put flour and water in a jar and stir by hand or with a wooden spoon. Take grapes in cheesecloth and lightly knead them over a bowl of flour so that he starts up the juice. Put cheesecloth with grapes into flour mixture, flour should cover the grapes. Place the lid tightly on the pan and leave at room temperature (22 ° C / 72 ° F). If the room is colder, you can wrap the sourdough dishes with a blanket.

Day 2 and 3 - fermentation
Small bubbles will appear and the grape bag may begin to inflate.
During the ripening of the sourdough, the water separates from the flour and this is normal. For the ripening of the starter, the ideal room temperature is + 23C, it is not recommended to be warmer, since the mixture will sour faster and a "bad bacteria" may begin to develop.
In the warm season, the starter mixture behaves more actively - on the second or third day, the liquid begins to separate from the flour. Put the mixture in the refrigerator for a while to cool slightly.

Day 4 - starter renewal
By this time, the mass will begin to acquire a brownish color; if the mixture was very active on the 3rd day, then by the 4th day this activity will subside. An unpleasant alcoholic smell will appear, a bag of grapes will float. It's time for feeding.

  • 250 ml water (1 cup) 25 ° C / 77 ° F

  • 130 grams (1 cup) flour

Add water and flour and mix well by hand or with a wooden spoon. Close the lid tightly.

Day 5-9 - continued fermentation
From day 5 to day 9, the leaven will not be very active.

Sometimes the separated liquid is yellow and mold appears - this indicates that an imbalance between yeast and bacteria has occurred in the mixture - if the mold is removed without delay (+ add a cup of water and a cup of flour), then it will not interfere with the further growth of the leaven. If everything is normal, then the unpleasant smell will be replaced by a yeast aroma, 2-3 days after feeding. If this does not happen, then discard the leaven and start over.

Day 10 - start of regular feeding
Remove the grapes from the sourdough and squeeze the juice into the sourdough. Throw away the grapes. Stir the mixture well. Leave in 130 g of sourdough (1/2 cup) and pour out the rest (in the beginning, more flour is easier to sour). If you leave more leaven, then you need to increase the amount of flour and water when feeding - accordingly, you will get more leaven!
To strengthen the sourdough, it must be regularly fed for the first 3 days, and then it can be fed as it is used. The older the leaven is, the stronger it is and the more difficult it is to spoil it.
For the first three days, the sourdough must be fed 3 times a day (each time doubling the amount of flour and water, for example: 1/4 cup - 1/2 cup - 1 cup) every day starting with the minimum amount of sourdough (~ 1 cup). If the leaven has not been fed for a long time, then it must be revived in the same way.

Approximate dressing before baking:

Top dressing can be done for 1 day - the leaven should be at room temperature (feed in the morning, afternoon and evening or add all the water and flour at a time - in the morning - the leaven will be ready the next morning) or in three days - the leaven should be in the refrigerator.
After feeding, the active leaven always increases in volume (almost 2 times), so you need to use the appropriate size dishes.

  • 1st day - 1 cup ready-made sourdough + 1/4 cup water + 1/4 cup flour

  • 2nd day - the resulting sourdough (~ 1 1/4 cups) + 1/2 cup water + 1/2 cup flour

  • 3rd day - the resulting sourdough (~ 1 3/4 cups) + 1 cup water + 1 cup flour

Sticking to such a schedule is not entirely necessary - over time, you will develop your own schedule - but if you are going to bake bread using only sourdough, then this feeding method will provide you with a well-ripened and non-acidic sourdough ready for baking.

The sourdough has the consistency of a pancake dough, only more stringy (if the sourdough consistency is too thin, then do not be afraid to add more flour).

Sourdough on grapes

The sourdough is in its strength 8-12 hours after the last feeding, after which it begins to weaken quickly.

I usually use the starter directly from the refrigerator, but you can leave it at room temperature after the last feeding.
If the sourdough has not been fed for a long time, a dark liquid will separate from the flour, this indicates that the sourdough is over-acidic and too hungry. This leaven cannot be used immediately for baking, as it is very weak. You need to stir the mixture well, leave ~ 1 cup of sourdough and pour out the rest and start regular feeding.

The finished starter culture has a pleasant non-yeast smell, is covered with large bubbles and is very airy.

Sourdough on grapes

For one loaf of yeast-free bread (out of 4-5 cups of flour), take 1 1/2 cups of sourdough (2-day bread).

There are many ways to grow sourdough - sourdough on grapes is one of them. I have been using this starter for several years now and am very happy with the baking results.
As a beginner baker but an experienced winemaker, let me comment a little. First, it will still not be a sourdough but a wild culture of wine yeast. Lactic acid bacteria and very specific yeast prevail in bread sourdough, you definitely cannot get them from grapes. Secondly, the dishes need to be washed, but the grapes are not, since the yeast is just on the surface of the skin, and washing them destroys nafig. The chances that, instead of wine yeast, there will be horseradish in the sourdough, much more in washed grapes than unwashed grapes. And finally, one of the most powerful cultures of wild wine-type yeast lives not on grapes but on raspberries. If you like a sourdough with wine yeast, try to get a culture from raspberries (preferably forest), these yeasts are much more powerful and unpretentious than grapes and theoretically should raise any flour.
I became a budding winemaker here. Parents bought a house with land. Grapes have been growing there for a long time. Until they planted a new one, I experiment with what we have. But I read a lot of literature and bought wine yeast. For our quantity of grapes, the minimum package of yeast is too much. So I decided to start them up for sourdough.
A pure gamble, I guess. Until the first day lives. I mixed the yeast directly with the wort with wheat flour and water. I did it last night, today there is a hat and a smell of flour, sour and bread.
Sorry, grapes and raspberries contain yeast. And the point of all this fuss (or just fashion) is precisely the rejection of yeast.Then why fool your head, bake with purchased yeast.
naric , any sourdough contains yeast, otherwise the bread would not rise. But this is not the kind of yeast that is sold in bags and in the store. Industrial yeast is a cultivated one species, and if dry, then also with additives. The ferment contains wild yeast that lives in the air or, in this case, on berries, and not one species, but several. Now this is already more useful for a person, since his natural habitat, and not artificially grown. Plus, during the ripening of the sourdough in the flour, certain processes also take place, which improves its properties. It is described in more detail and beautifully here:
and here:
Read it, very interesting.
Vicky, Khimichka, ayuuuuuuu !!!
I'm here!
No, well, I didn't do that. I grew my grape a little differently. And even easier. I'll go look for my notes ... I'll be there soon.
Clasey, I'm running to work. I made my grape one exactly like Luda from LJ. One of these days I will put on a new one, she is almost 9 months old. If necessary, after lunch I will write
So is my LJ Ludmila.
For five (or six) days I just stirred. Then in one day she "rejuvenated" three times and that's it. I grew it completely liquid, and then transferred it to 100% state.
flour to take 1-2 grade, as I understand it? a / c is not worth it, perhaps?
I'm just reading about this leaven at Lyudmila's and I'm getting lost, because she writes, the recipe for Nancy Silverstone - do not touch anything for 6 days, I myself added Ludmila flour there ... that is, "do not touch"? OK:)))
and the scent is very different from the French?
+ unwashed grapes still "fake" me (yes, I know that yeast is in the bloom), but how was it processed?
in general, I will buy flour-grapes - I will try ... Khimichka, do you want to make up a photoreader?
Quote: klazy

+ unwashed grapes still "fake" me (yes, I know that yeast is in the bloom), but how was it processed?
in general, I will buy flour-grapes - I will try ... Khimichka, do you want to make up a photoreader?

klazy, and the leaven is urgently needed?
I will also make grape, but I'm waiting for my grapes to ripen (in two weeks). I do not doubt him !!!
I can share grapes with you Together and we will grow
Here the Summer Resident advises to start sourdoughs for the growing moon ... Now it seems that it is necessary, today is the first quarter.
I think I'll start on Saturday. I have homemade grapes, I won't wash them. They don't wash it even for house wine. My previous ones started on premium flour, fed, like Lyudmila.
My fr-ka was not bad at first, then some unpleasant smell appeared, I destroyed it. I really like grape, especially in summer. She now feeds me two or three times a day, fattens.

In short, girls, while I draw up a report, your grapes will ripen, and the Moon will run away ...
Girls, I also grow grapes, she will have 6 day on Sunday
I grow it according to Lyudmila's recipe, but with my own interpretation.
Did so 250 gr. Homemade dark grapes, did not wash because my own
And water + flour (here I took rye flour)
Day 2, the liquid separated, but I did not drain it, I just mixed in the bran
Day 3, mixed in bran flour (for lack of another) ... today my mixture boiled and rose, almost ran away.

My grandmother grew such a leaven on bran and rye flour, she really called it ferment
She took slightly fermented grapes, the one that remained after natural selection - for wine, food and sauerkraut. I took the most ripe bunch, which from overripe already bursts the skin. And then she did not add water, but she also wrapped it in cheesecloth, kneaded it with her hands and mixed the juice with flour (bran) and then mixed flour there, I know that after three days she removed part of the dough and baked bread, and then she just added flour anyway , and when the bag floated up, she said that the dough was ready and then kneaded the dough from it, mixed flour and water, but kept this piece in a dough state, in a cellar at T-18 degrees.
I just now have a sourdough recipe from Nancy Silverton. I did it almost like Lyudmila did. Almost, because I fed her not 2, but 3 times. Lyudmila did not invent the top dressing herself; in the film on growing this sourdough, Nancy also fed the sourdough this way (she drained the settled grape juice and added flour to it). And yet, Lyudmila advises stirring the leaven every day.
I'm happy with the grape sourdough so far.
Lily, sourdough - not urgent ... while I am fattening - I bake pure yeast recipes, which my hands did not reach when the leaven lived in the house. If I don’t ripen earlier (before your grapes), then I will gladly use your suggestion, thank you :).
Quote: himichka

My fr-ka was not bad at first, then some unpleasant smell appeared, I destroyed it.
himichka, maybe her (Frenchwoman) should have been treated with honey? I also had acidic, but after several dressings in large proportions, it fell into place. Does the aroma of the French differ from the grape? or then they become the same - then the leaven does not feed on grapes? or is it still different (different bacteria-yeasts survive under different conditions for excretion of the leaven)? ... something I spread with a thought ... returned - and let's pester people with questions again :))
Quote: Joy

Lyudmila did not invent the top dressing herself; in the film on growing this sourdough, Nancy also fed the sourdough in this way.
Joy, thanks for advising me, I'll go see the movie at the link :).
klazy , the link is not the movie. Simply, if you read all the messages in this thread, then in one of them Lyudmila talks about it.
Girls, how does this leaven make the dough rise?
At first I baked on an eternal, then I tried Calvel, then a French woman, a French woman lifted the dough best. Now, from the abundance of grapes from the dacha, I try grape, but ala my grandmother's leaven (on rye bran flour), it seems, and it turned out ala .. la ... The dough raises like eternal Does she need time, or does she not like rye flour? ?
Ira, I bake with a little yeast (5-7gr). Raises dough very well. I convert it to rye or whole grain as needed.

I am lazy, I postpone everything, but tomorrow there are no lessons, I'll put it on in the morning.
Well, that's just the point, I blissed out on a Frenchwoman, baked 100% on it, without yeast. She raised baking very well, and after reading about sourdough, I realized that grape also raises the dough like that, only the dough is softer.
And on the one that is ready since Sunday - I add yeast, not rushing it :( But with the leaven there were some problems, the grapes floated up on the 3rd day, I mixed flour every day, very juicy grapes, by Sunday the leaven was pink, but it was not bursting, and now so, she is not stormy
Well, if nothing changes, I'll try on a different grape variety - it's already ripening on wine
dan_IraMy grape leaven dough rises 2-3 times without yeast. Today I baked with rye flour. First, I made a sourdough dough with rye flour, it rose almost 4 times in 4 hours. And the dough itself for bread rose 3 times in 3 hours. Maybe it would have risen more, but it has already crawled out of shape, barely caught.
And the leaven itself rose 5 times at the very beginning. My other starter cultures were not so active. I think it's like a lottery, how lucky - what kind of yeast will catch on. And it depends on this what the leaven will be - strong or not very fast, or it will rise well, but slowly.
Quote: Joy

dan_IraMy grape leaven dough rises 2-3 times without yeast. Today I baked with rye flour. First, I made a sourdough dough with rye flour, it rose almost 4 times in 4 hours. And the dough itself for bread rose 3 times in 3 hours. Maybe it would have risen more, but it has already crawled out of shape, barely caught.
And the leaven itself rose 5 times at the very beginning. My other starter cultures were not so active. I think it's like a lottery, how lucky - what kind of yeast will catch on.And it depends on this what the leaven will be - strong or not very fast, or it will rise well, but slowly.
Well, thank God, it means a lot of grapes we will try again. Did you take the grapes well ripe (already soft from ripeness) or such - hard?
I bought large ripe red grapes with seeds, and chose where there is more white bloom on the grapes.
Quote: Joy

I bought large ripe red grapes with seeds, and chose where there is more white bloom on the grapes.
Excuse me, why? White bloom, well, I have it dust, cobweb, on the contrary, I chose cleaner, since you can't wash
"It is better not to wash the grapes or dry them on a towel or paper. The secret of grape fermentation in the white bloom on grapes is wild yeast and bacteria, which will begin to ferment the dough into which the grapes are dipped."
This is a quote from the topic of growing grape sourdough by Nancy Silverton from Ludmila's LiveJournal.
500 gr red or black grapes (organik)
Tell me, what do I mean organic?

Leave in 130 g of sourdough (1/2 cup) and pour out the rest (in the beginning, more flour is easier to sour).
And why should such a large proportion be initially kneaded, so that then only half a glass would be left? It's a pity somehow ...
RybkA such a mass is needed in order to ferment the community of bacteria and yeast we need, which will then raise the dough, but do not be discouraged, there is a topic where to put the extra sourdough, look there I think few people will refuse pancakes, pancakes or dumplings, but they are simply amazing on sourdough
Girls and who put this leaven? I put a new one, the first time something did not work out, she did not raise the dough much. And she took more ripe grapes and ... Only this one is too juicy, does it let a lot of liquid? For example, yesterday I only mixed flour, and in the morning again a strip of liquid. Well, just in case, I added more flour, but I doubted so often whether it is possible to feed?
Ira, my starter culture is 36 hours old, has not yet added flour, she is slowly playing, juice in a 1.5 liter can is three centimeters on top. I stir it periodically, but the flour settles again. When I did it in winter, there was no such stratification.
himichka don't you add flour at all? Let it ferment all 6 days? Without dressing?
I was ashamed, the poor child sits, I had to feed. She drained the juice, poured 120-130 grams of flour and added it to the jar. She started playing, the impression is that even now she has peks on it.

They asked here what "organic" means. Now it has become fashionable to write not "Environmentally friendly products", but organic farming products, that is, grown without the use of herbicides, pesticides, etc. We even have such a sign on the market. And in the west there are special shops where everything is much more expensive ...
Hello experts,
I have a few questions, "blitz" if you like:
1. Should the starter culture be kept in the refrigerator with a tightly closed lid or not?
2. I usually feed the starter culture after consumption and put it in the refrigerator after an hour or two. I use it the next time after about a week, first I give the leaven 2-3 hours to "wake up". Is this correct or not?

Thanks for the help.
Quote: fridmani

Hello experts,
I have a few questions, "blitz" if you like:
1. Should the starter culture be kept in the refrigerator with a tightly closed lid or not?
2. I usually feed the starter culture after consumption and put it in the refrigerator after an hour or two. I use it the next time after about a week, first I give the leaven 2-3 hours to "wake up". Is this correct or not?

Thanks for the help.

It is better to keep the sourdough in a container with a hole lid. For these purposes, a cup with a mixer lid perfectly suited me.
Popovodu of the second question. We have so much written here about feeding our babies that ... After a week of fasting, your starter is probably very sour, the bacteria have eaten all the proteins of the flour, so you need to feed it a day before baking.They took them out of the refrigerator, woke them up, fed them with a fresh portion of flour and water, and so on 2-3 times.
My grape leaven. Thanks to Lyudmila, I did it almost like her. First on wine lees, then on fresh grapes.

So, I sewed a bag from a double layer of gauze measuring 20 by 40 cm, put unwashed homemade grapes weighing 500 g into it, beat it slightly with a rolling pin so that the grapes let the juice out.

Separately mixed 2 cups of premium flour and 2.5 cups of water. I placed the batter and grapes in a 2 liter jar. I kept it in the kitchen, periodically stirred it with a spoon. The top of the jar was covered with the top of the bag. It was late last Saturday night. On the advice of the Summer Resident, on the growing moon.

After 36 hours, I drained the juice, which separates in the jar, mixed it with flour (130-140g), mixed everything again. A day later, the procedure was repeated. As Lyudmila writes, after eating the sourdough swelled and tried to escape from the can (she was 80 hours old). And then she continued to sour, the smell was so wine ...

After 5 days, I rejuvenated her. This procedure must be repeated 3 times in 4-6 hours. I did it after 6 hours.

She took out a bag of grapes from the jar, squeezed the remaining juice into the jar, mixed the contents well. I took 1 glass of 250 ml of sourdough, mixed with 1 glass of cold water and added 1 glass of flour. After 6 hours, I again took 1 glass of rejuvenating starter culture, 1 glass of water and 1 glass of flour. After another 6 hours, 1 glass of rejuvenating starter and 1.5 glasses of flour. This procedure was performed by the involved husband-assistant at 11.30. By 17.00, when I arrived from work, the most delicate bubbling substance was waiting for me, on which the bread was baked.
Lack of one-a lot of waste, they let the dogs into porridge. I tried to shoot, the photo is not very good, so take our word for it.
Quote: himichka

As Lyudmila writes, after eating, the leaven swelled and tried to escape from the can (she was 40 hours old). And then she continued to sour, the smell was so wine ...
I grow it for the second time, but my leaven did not have such activity. She just gurgled, had a wine smell, but when feeding, nothing. I even thought it was watery, added more flour, and ... rose slightly ... because there is no doubt about the quality of the grapes, wine is already fermenting on it, while I sin on flour
There is a lot of waste, it's true, but I dry and dry everything ... and then just when baking like flour I add 100-200g each.
And has anyone tried or met a description of what happens if you feed it not with water but with grape juice or mash ..
And also himichka, I kind of read LJ Ludmila, but I haven't heard about the wine sediment, you can read more ???
So also the question "without leaving the checkout" ... and at the end how much sourdough did it weigh ?, I didn't fit in my plastic box ... but I took 250-300 gr. grapes (maybe this is not enough and that's the point?)
The sourdough on the lees that remains after the wine has fermented is my idea. I grew the first sourdough on the lees, I just decided to try it. I took a glass of sediment and further in the text. I wrote to Luda in LJ, since she did not grow very much (not 4 times), Luda replied that she had never tried it. Well, I started it in a new way at the beginning of January and I still use it. While there are many grapes, I decided to update.

How much weighed, what? I didn't weigh, the winner was about a liter in volume. I actually mixed everything in a 1.5 liter can, so she ran out of it on Wednesday. Therefore, I advise the volume of dishes 2L.
I'll tell you how I did ...
I took 250 g of grapes in cheesecloth and beat them
2 cups flour (i.e. 500g)
and water 550 ml. (because the grapes are too juicy)
I have a capacity of 3.5 liters, but at the very end, when the sourdough is ready, it turns out almost to the top.So I'm even glad that it's not active otherwise I don't add water at all to it on the floor (otherwise the consistency would be too liquid) I add flour all 5 days for 100-150 g.
Maybe this is salt ... but th ... th ... the new leaven is growing and the dough has risen well today
My father has wine yeast (he calls it that), I somehow also baked bread on it, he raises the dough, but not much, but the bread is delicious ..
Ira, in a 250 ml glass, not 250 g of flour, but 160.And then, water is added when the leaven is softened, a glass of flour - a glass of water - a glass of leaven, so twice, for the third flour 1.5 cups - a glass of water - a glass of the leavened culture.
Quote: himichka

Ira, in a glass of 250 ml, not 250 g of flour, but 160. And then, water is added when the leaven is softened, a glass of flour - a glass of water - a glass of leaven, so twice, for the third flour 1.5 cups of flour - a glass of water - a glass of the leavened culture
Hmm ... "I didn't even notice the log." It's a shame how, that is, in fact, like a French woman, the sourdough is made, only on grapes ... eeehhhh: o
Well, let's look at the one that I raised differently
grape leaven is born on my windowsill today. do as himichka described. she is still a specialist in organic chemistry)
my friend comes and says: "What are you doing with bottles of prunes in sour cream ?!" I answer her: "Yes, these are leftovers already ... in general, my husband and I eat two liters at a time ..."
Girls, guard !!! I grew grape leaven ... I did everything as Luda prescribed. Today I started to rejuvenate. At 18-00 there was a second feeding. Question: do I have to stay awake all night now? Feed the third time and bake bread? And according to what recipe and how much do you need? And then, to be honest, it doesn't look very much like sourdough in appearance. The temperature in the apartment is no more than 20 degrees. Although up to this point, everything was exactly like Luda's in the photographs ... What should I do? Maybe you can somehow postpone the whole thing until tomorrow?
You can and should sleep! And then you will pour boiling water on yourself like I do not get enough sleep. Feed the third time no later than 24.00 and sleep. After the third feeding, the leaven is the most beautiful, gently bubbling. No oven needed at night. In the morning, if the sourdough has grown 3-4 times overnight, and the hostess needs to go to work, without regret we take some of it for disposal (you can fry pancakes for breakfast), and leave a little for feeding.
If we bake in the evening, then the leaven will be 20-25g, 120-130g each of flour and water (not forgetting that you will need to leave the leaven for the future).

And there are plenty of recipes. Try a simple one, Izuminkiny bread. Recipes run in. Good luck!
Girls, but my leaven has not grown. There is no increase in volume. There is even a little exfoliated liquid on top. but the surface is bubbly and smells good. The wine smell is gone and she is white. It's cold in my apartment, maybe this is the case? I took half a glass of leaven. I added a glass of flour and half a glass of water, mixed it, and set it aside again.
She may have grown up and fell out, so I had to feed and look, maybe more flour
yeah ... thanks, that's what I do ... but it still doesn't grow ... although it looks and smells very ...
Quote: Gasha

yeah ... thanks, that's what I do ... but it still doesn't grow ... although it looks and smells very ...

Yeah ... mnu has the same theme ... maybe take it under the covers for the night?
oh, I'll try to find an interesting place for her in her apartment: so that these microbes are fun, warm, and light, and the flies don't bite :)
but Shoto I am oppressed by disturbing doubts ...
I don’t have any elevation, girl. so, a little foam on top and that's it. sho - throw it away?
Now I am ripe to start messing with grape leaven
At the beginning of the topic, a recipe is given, but then everyone is discussed and fermented according to the recipe Lyudmilawhat is this recipe?
Whoever made the first recipe, tell me, 3L cans will be enough or reduce the proportions, otherwise I haven't met 4L cans ...
sweetka, Light, I have the same thing ... But you can see that she has not disappeared ... why throw it out?
Girls, did you accidentally wash the grapes?

Well, it's cold in Moscow, of course, but it's warm in Kheson. I raised mine both in winter and in summer, I stood in the kitchen, where it's always very warm here. I didn't notice much difference. There was more juice in the summer.
Try to take a spoonful of sourdough, 100 g each of water and flour and observe it, marking the initial level. Let's hope the client is rather alive ...
I have my own grapes, so I didn't wash it ... Water from a holy spring. The banks are clean.I'll try to do as you advise ... thanks

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