Amaranth oil

Category: Blanks
Amaranth oil


Amaranth seeds
Amaranth flowers
Amaranth leaves

Cooking method

  • Amaranth has been growing on my site for many years. I sowed a pinch of seeds, and for many years, every summer I have had thickets of burgundy giants. Why giants, because amaranth grows taller than my height. When I sowed, I knew that "amaranth is a medicinal plant." And that's all. Throughout the world, I have collected more detailed information about it. So.
  • Amaranth - in Greek means eternal, up to 1-2 m, giving up to 15 kg of green mass from a bush, up to 57 centners of seeds per hectare, it is able to grow in almost all climatic zones, as well as on waterless plateaus, saline and alkalized soils.
  • Amaranth is a source of protein, essential amino acids for pets. The plant is suitable for man. The Japanese compare its leaves to squid meat. This greens is constantly present in the daily diet of residents of the USA, Japan, Latin America, and Southeast Asia. Young leaves are baked, boiled, stewed, stuffed cabbage rolls, pie filling, pasta, cookies, flour are prepared. Juices, syrups, soft drinks are obtained from amaranth.
  • The amaranth bush replaces a whole green pharmacy. It helps to cure atherosclerosis, oncological diseases, adenoma, hemorrhoids / oil /, obesity, vitamin deficiency, removes radionuclides from the body. Oil from its seeds is superior to sea buckthorn in almost all respects.
  • Instead of poppy seeds, amaranth seeds are used. The taste is great!
  • The amaranth flower is considered unique due to the edibility of absolutely all its parts (stem, seeds and leaves) and an unusually high nutritional value. The seeds of this plant are of particular value. The amount of protein in them exceeds even the presence of this substance in soy and wheat, and the content of all essential amino acids makes them an especially important product for vegetarians. Also, amaranth seeds are rich in linoleic, palmitic, stearic, oleic and linolenic acids.
  • This herb contains other important substances for the human body:
  • xanthines;
  • serotonin;
  • bile acids;
  • steroids;
  • choline;
  • squalene;
  • B vitamins;
  • pantothenic acid;
  • vitamin E and D.
  • Amaranth leaves are a source of carotenes. Some species, for example, amaranth red, contain more than 2.7% rutin, which makes it possible to use their leafy part for those who have:
  • lack of vitamin P;
  • hemorrhagic manifestations;
  • hypertonic disease;
  • radiation damage.
  • The leaves can also be used as an antioxidant, biogenic calcium and antacid, as they contain up to 10% Ca. Amaranth shoots contain vitamins C and A, iron, manganese, magnesium, zinc and fiber.
  • This high nutritional value product is also used to treat:
  • of cardio-vascular system;
  • central nervous system;
  • colds;
  • skin diseases.
  • Sprouted amaranth seeds are especially useful for cancer pathology.
  • For obesity, diabetes, impotence, frigidity and enuresis, amaranth leaves are used. They are also often added to borscht, soups, salads and pickles. Amaranth greens are excellent animal feed, and compost is made from the roots of this plant.
  • Best of all, amaranth exhibits healing properties if it is used in the form of oil. It is obtained from plant grains by pressing them, they contain up to 8% fatty oil. In terms of fatty acid composition, it is close to corn oil, because it contains more than 50% linoleic acid. But still amaranth oil is unique.
  • First, vitamin E in its composition is in a particularly active form.If in other products it is fat-soluble, that is, its excess is not excreted from the body on its own and can cause hypervitaminosis, then in this oil vitamin E has a tocotrienol form, which increases its antioxidant properties by 50 times and at the same time eliminates the risk of an overdose. Vitamin E in amaranth oil significantly reduces the risk of thrombus formation, has a positive effect on the elasticity of the walls of blood vessels and lowers blood cholesterol levels.
  • Also, amaranth oil exhibits medicinal properties due to the presence of squalene in it. It is used as an immunostimulant, antineoplastic agent, cosmetics and to normalize cholesterol metabolism.
  • Amaranth oil is also used in the treatment of skin diseases. Squalene, getting into the human body, activates the recovery processes, which allows it to easily cope with eczema, psoriasis, trophic ulcers and any other tissue damage.
  • Amaranth oil active is an excellent treatment for:
  • tuberculosis;
  • gynecological diseases;
  • liver diseases (even cirrhosis);
  • chronic hepatitis;
  • stroke;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • heart attack;
  • hypertension;
  • angina pectoris.
  • It is recommended to use it for cancer patients during chemotherapy, because it significantly accelerates the body's recovery. Preparations containing this oil are also useful.
  • Pure amaranth oil is not cheap, but its counterpart can be made at home.
  • Here is the most common recipe: 1 kg. large seeds, fry a little in a pan, grind in a coffee grinder, pour 1.5 liters of extra virgin olive oil, stir thoroughly, cover, shake and place in a dark place for 3 weeks. Shake the container with oil daily. After the mixture is infused, the oil must be filtered through 5 layers of gauze.
  • I took information about the healing properties of amaranth from various sources, including here:
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  • option = com_content & view = article & id = 24: content-layouts & catid = 29: 2011-02-12-08-53-44 & Itemid = 38
  • But I'll be honest, I'm making the oil easier. Given the presence of nutrients in all parts of this plant, I do not collect amaranth seeds separately for oil, I use the seeds along with flowers.
  • We cut off the flowers (I use regular scissors for this).
  • Amaranth oil
  • Grind in a food processor.
  • Amaranth oil
  • We put it in a bottle and fill it with vegetable oil. I have sunflower, live, raw, first cold pressed. We put it in a dark place for a month.
  • Amaranth oil
  • Also, as in the usual recipe, shake it every day (almost every day when we remember). Then we filter through several layers of gauze, with both hands we squeeze what is left in the gauze and ... in no case do we throw away the cake!
  • Place the remaining squeezed cake in a dark dish in the refrigerator. Use in the form of biscuits, at night, on the joints of the hands and feet with arthritis, polyarthritis, rheumatism, skin diseases, radiculitis, boils, bruises and other ailments.
  • Place the cake in cheesecloth, cover with cellophane and wrap with a warm bandage. The procedures are carried out several times as necessary. The cake can also be used in the first and second courses.


Amaranth oil

I filled a 3-liter container with leaves and small inflorescences of amaranth and filled it with vodka. In a month there will be a very healing infusion.

Amaranth oil

The remaining leaves were dried in a dryer.

Wow, how interesting! Lenochka, Thank you so much !
Gee-gee, I'll go tell my mother what she struggled with in the country.
Quote: Vasilica
Gee-gee, I'll go tell my mother what she fought in the country
And as a "control" show the price of amaranth oil. 250 ml - 1265 rubles.
Blimey! and kept thinking, why is it growing? but it turns out to be a useful plant! Thank you!
Quote: kubanochka
250 ml - 1265 rubles.
Next year I will sow at myself, I have a lot of places) Class)
Amaranth oil for dermatological diseases and traumatic skin injuries used externally in the form of compresses.This accelerates the healing process for dry eczema, herpes, psoriasis, mycosis, neurodermatitis, trophic ulcers.

Due to the fact that this oil contains iron, copper and lysine, which are very important in the synthesis of hemoglobin, its used for anemia.

For diseases of the throat and oral cavity (gingivitis, periodontal disease, tonsillitis, stomatitis, periodontitis, etc.) amaranth oil must be used not only as a gargle, but also constantly taken with food. This will give you the best effect.

With obesity and diabetes Amaranth oil helps improve fat metabolism and blood glucose regulation.

Gynecology. As mentioned above, when applied externally, amaranth oil promotes wound healing and is anti-inflammatory, therefore it is important to use it for gynecological diseases such as fibroids, colpitis, endometritis, cysts, cervical erosion and others. This oil has a beneficial effect on the hormonal background of a woman, so its use during pregnancy will help improve the condition of the female reproductive system. But this wonderful oil is needed not only for women. It will help men to overcome infertility, prostate diseases, erectile dysfunction.

Eyes. Amaranth oil also serves to prevent eye diseases such as cataracts, macular degeneration of the retina (macular degeneration), hemeralopia ("night blindness", diabetic retinopathy, blepharitis), xerophthalmia, conjunctivitis. This is due to the content of vitamin E, magnesium, carotenoids in it.

Nervous system. This oil is useful for the prevention of senile dementia, for various mental disorders, insomnia, headaches, for strengthening memory and improving mental abilities. Regular consumption of amaranth oil promotes the production of the hormone serotonin, the so-called "hormone of happiness." Therefore, if you want to be always in a good mood, do not forget about amaranth. It is truly a miraculous plant.

With it, you can also heal tuberculosis, various infectious viral and fungal diseases.

Amaranth oil contains a huge amount of antioxidants, so it prevents the development of cancerous tumors. It also contributes to better physical recovery for people who have undergone chemotherapy.

Amaranth oil is recommended with muscular dystrophy: it helps to increase muscle strength, as well as to prevent diseases such as arthritis, rickets, osteoporosis, osteochondrosis, arthrosis, polyarthritis and other diseases of the bones, spine and joints, as it strengthens bone and cartilage tissue, contributes to their formation.

To strengthen the immune system. In order to cure the diseases mentioned above, as well as to strengthen the immune system, the following recommendations must be followed: drink 5 ml of amaranth oil (1 teaspoon) twice a day with meals (preferably in the morning and in the evening). Shake the oil before use. For the prevention of diseases, carry out a course of treatment once a month. This course is recommended twice a year, best in autumn and spring, when the immune system is most weakened.

For external use, that is, in case of dermatological diseases or skin injuries, amaranth oil should be lubricated with the affected areas of the skin twice a day (also preferably in the morning and evening). Remember to remove any remaining oil from your skin ten minutes after lubrication. After a short period of time, you will see that the pain in the wound is not so acute, and the healing of damaged areas of the skin will take place much faster.

The use of amaranth oil in cosmetology
Amaranth oil is widely used in cosmetology. The secret lies in the high concentration in it of a very important substance for the body - squalene (it is an integral part of the human skin).The widespread use of this oil in cosmetology is that it prevents the development of cancerous tumors, protects the skin from harmful substances, provides it with moisture, therefore, skin aging slows down.

Amaranth oil contains a large amount of vitamins, which also slow down the process of early skin aging. It is very important that in amaranth oil, unlike other vegetable oils, this vitamin appears in its most active form.

The oil also contains provitamin A, vitamins D, B1, B2, polyunsaturated fatty acids and other substances that contribute to the rejuvenation of the skin.

In connection with the above, amaranth oil in cosmetology is used to rejuvenate mature and flabby skin.

It can also be used if your skin is dry, dehydrated and rough, as it has nourishing, moisturizing, and softening properties.
Contraindications to the use of amaranth oil
Contraindication is individual intolerance to the product. It happens that while using amaranth oil, you may feel nauseous and dizzy, this is due to the fact that your body has begun to actively saturate with oxygen. Also, before you start taking amaranth oil, if you are sick with acute and chronic pancreatitis, cholecystitis, gallstone or urolithiasis, be sure to consult your doctor.

Amaranth use

For colitis, intestinal colic, constipation, an infusion of amaranth in water is used as a hemostatic agent for hemoptysis, heavy menstruation and hemorrhoidal bleeding.

Against rishta and jaundice a decoction of amaranth roots is used. Also, as an antitumor agent, you can use the juice and tincture of this plant both internally and externally. Amaranth is used for the following diseases: fungal, liver and heart diseases, gastrointestinal infections; for eczema, psoriasis, dermatitis, erosion, endometriosis, colitis - externally.

With dysentery use a decoction of roots and seeds; for allergies, diathesis, rash, you can take a bath with amaranth solution.

With inflammation of the mucous membranes of the oral cavity rinse your mouth with amaranth juice in a ratio of 1: 5.

For burns, bedsores, insect bites, scars use amaranth oil.

With enuresis you need to drink amaranth tincture. To do this, pour a glass of boiling water on the panicles with seeds, cut into small pieces (one tablespoon), hold them in a water bath for 15–20 minutes. and insist until cool. It is recommended to drink 1 tsp. with a quarter glass of boiled water, 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals and before bedtime. The course of treatment is 14 days.

With inflammation of the genitourinary system it is necessary to pour three tablespoons of crushed stalks, leaves and panicles with boiling water (one liter), insist and drink one glass at night.

To rejuvenate the body and remove harmful substances from it it is necessary to do in equal parts the collection of herbs of amaranth, St. John's wort, birch buds, chamomile medicinal. In the evening, 2 tablespoons of this collection should be poured into 0.5 liters of boiling water, insisted for two to three hours, then it is necessary to strain and drink a glass of infusion before bedtime with the addition of a teaspoon of honey. After that, in the morning, the tincture must be heated and drunk 30 minutes before a meal. The entire course will require about 400-500 grams of infusion. The course must be repeated after two to three years.

Decoction... In order to prepare a broth, you need to take 15 g of roots, chop very finely, pour 200 ml of boiling water, insist in a boiling water bath for half an hour, cool for ten minutes, strain. You need to drink it in a third of a glass three times a day before meals.

For infusion you need to take 20 g of leaves, pour 200 ml of boiling water, insist on a boiling water bath for 15 minutes, cool for 45 minutes, drain. Drink infusion two or three a day, a third of a glass before meals.

For treatment skin diseases folk recipes for amaranth baths are used. For baths it is necessary to pour two liters of boiling water into a saucepan, pour three to four hundred grams of raw materials, then boil it for 15 minutes, cool for about ten minutes, filter and fill the bath by half. Such baths are taken two to three times a week for half an hour.

Infusion of fresh amaranth leaves... Take one tablespoon of finely chopped amaranth leaves, pour one cup of boiling water and let stand for about half an hour. After straining, drink a quarter of a cup of infusion with honey 3-4 times a day, when your stomach hurts.

Fresh amaranth leaf juice... Rinse the leaves of the plant in running water, then chop and pass through a juicer. Then mix the juice in a 1: 1 ratio with cream and drink one tablespoon three times a day after meals. Juice from fresh amaranth leaves helps with gastritis, diabetes mellitus, pain in the liver.

Blooming amaranth juice - an excellent hair strengthening agent, it prevents hair loss and strengthens hair follicles.
Flax, and I make tea from amaranth leaves (mixed with other leaves). Here, see what mix with pear, apple, black chokeberry and thorn:
Amaranth oil
The tea is simply incomparable.
In general, he does not have time to ripen to seeds, I have to annoy him every spring. And I used to grow it for chickens, as they gorge themselves on it, they rush like a machine gun and don't get sick (TTT).
Quote: Linadoc
And I used to grow it for chickens
They are my main amaranth eaters. Today I literally took several copies from them for my needs. And so everything to them, everything to them, good.
I also make tea. But oil was on the agenda today
And tomorrow I declare war day of harvesting another drop dead useful "weed". Lakonos is called.

Amaranth oil
Great! I use Phytolacca a lot in my professional practice. I didn’t think he was growing with us. Surprised.
kubanochka, oooh !!! I will wait!!! Only yesterday my husband asked, but you can eat it ??? And I didn't know what to answer !!! This miracle appeared for me by self-seeding !!! At least hint what, yes how!
Yes, a lot is new to me. Thanks for the useful information.
What a good topic !!! And a lot of important information !!! Thank you !!!
When I was actively involved in aromatherapy, I used amaranth oil both in its pure form and as a base. Along with red St. John's wort oil. A very powerful and effective thing!
Your chickens, infidel, are the healthiest and happiest chickens in the world !! And as for eggs, I generally keep quiet - I have always dreamed of having a large plot and running a subsistence economy. Unfortunately, you can't run away on six acres!
Quote: Rada-dms

kubanochka, oooh !!! I will wait!!! Only yesterday my husband asked, but you can eat it ??? And I didn't know what to answer !!! This miracle appeared for me by self-seeding !!! At least hint what, yes how!

how immunostimulant lakonos root (or phytolacca according to scientific research) is used as a tincture:
10 g of dry or fresh root is poured with 100 g of 70% alcohol and insisted for 10 days in a dark place at room temperature.
This tincture is used both internally and externally. This tincture slows down the development of tumors, it can also treat stomach and duodenal ulcers, inflammation of the kidneys.
You need to take after meals 25-30 drops 2 times a day.

You can also use a decoction of the root. Such a decoction good expectorant, laxative and diuretic.
Preparation: 5g of lakonose root pour a glass of boiling water, leave for 20-30 minutes, take a tablespoon 3 times a day.

With sciatica, rheumatism, burns, fistulas, mastitis, arthritis, joint pain, as well as with purulent lesions of soft tissues and fever use tincture and decoctions externally. Compresses can be made by diluting the tincture by half with boiled water.

For flu, acute respiratory infections, sore throat, stomatitis, toothache it is recommended to rinse your mouth every 2-4 hours with a decoction or solution of lakonos tincture. In the latter case, it is necessary to dilute 1-2 tablespoons of the tincture in a glass of boiled salted water.

To prepare the lakonos tincture, take 0.5 cups of dried root, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of propolis and 0.5 l of 70 ° alcohol. The root is insisted for 7-10 days in the dark at room temperature. Apply the resulting tincture externally with polyarthritis and radiculitis for rubbing painful areas. The drug has analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects. With tonsillitis and pharyngitis I can recommend gargling with the same tincture (1 tablespoon per glass of warm salted water). To enhance the action during its infusion to the lakonos, you can add half a glass of freshly harvested white lilac flowers.
Lakonos - medicinal properties

The healing properties of the lakonos can hardly be overestimated, the medicinal plant helps with headaches, hypertension, kidney disease and sciatica. American phytolacca has anti-inflammatory, diuretic, laxative, antihelminthic and expectorant properties; homeopathic remedies are prepared on its basis. The plant has a beneficial effect on the work of the cardiovascular system.

Lakonos leaves are used not only in the preparation of decoctions for internal consumption, but also used externally, for example, in cases where there are seals, boils, hemorrhoids or skin lesions. Alcohol tincture rub the joints with arthritis, back with radiculitis.

However, do not forget that the lakonos plant is poisonous, it can only be consumed in appropriate proportions. Root and stems are poisonous.

Lakonos - dosage forms

For the manufacture of the drug, all parts of the lakonos are used - stems, leaves, berries and roots, from which folk healers create tinctures, decoctions, ointments and syrups. The most powerful effect is the root of American phytolacca and the juice of the plant the least saturated fruits, but they are the safest when consumed inside. The first to harvest the leaves, stems and fruits of the lakonos and only then proceed to the processing of the root.

The root can be used for the manufacture of medicine only if it has a yellowish-white color, in the event that it is red, it is strictly forbidden to use the root, since it contains a high concentration of poisons.

The roots of the lakonos are dried in an oven or in an oven, the fruits are dried in a well-ventilated room, after the base for the medicine is ready, it is folded into bags made of natural fabrics and stored in a dry room.

Lakonos - recipes

Lakonos medicine for joint treatment
Pour the leaves of phytolacca American with warm water, cover the glassware with a lid and leave in a dark place for two weeks. Rub your joints and back for a month. Compresses can be made from the tincture.

Lakonos tincture for otitis media, laryngitis and sore throat
Pour 10 grams of lakonose roots with 100 milliliters of alcohol, let the medicine brew for two weeks in a dark place. Take 15 drops by mouth every day (a few drops throughout the day).
This tool perfectly strengthens the immune system.

Throat diseases use plant juice (it is also used for radiculitis and rheumatism).
Disorders of the gastrointestinal tract are treated with dried lakonos berries, eating several fruits in the morning and evening.

Lakonos - contraindications

Treatment with lakonos without first consulting a doctor is strictly prohibited, since the medicinal plant is poisonous and can cause serious harm. Overdose causes vomiting, seizures, diarrhea, dizziness, paralysis, headache, respiratory and cardiac arrest.
Green young shoots are used for food purposes like asparagus.

In the wine-growing regions of Europe and Asia, the American Lakonos is grown for the berries that give wine dye.

And you can also add berries to compotes for color, and paint the fabric.
In fact, American Lakonos is considered poisonous (like everything American). I have a berry Lakonos or a drupe Lakonos growing. It is also called Lakonos grape, Lakonos polycarpous, Lakonos edible, Phytolacca drupe, Phytolacca edible. In tropical regions of America and Southeast Asia, the plant is cultivated as a vegetable. Young shoots can be eaten boiled, while the aromatic, palatable leaves can be used like spinach. The American has drooping inflorescences. Ours is like candles. But just in case, don't overeat.You will definitely get an upset stomach. He's a laxative.
I have known about amaranth oil for many years, to be honest. I bought it several times, but the price bites, of course. My mother-in-law once made sea buckthorn oil herself (it turned out great), and there is nothing to make amaranth oil. And I want to. It is necessary to attach seeds somewhere, sow. Thanks for the homemade way of making this oil!
I met on sale both butter and amaranth flour, though I never bought it. But I could not even imagine that this flour at a "ridiculous" price is from those weeds that grow in the country.

I now have a pack of amaranth flour in the fridge.
Quote: kubanochka

In fact, American Lakonos is considered poisonous (like everything American).
Quote: kubanochka

And tomorrow I declare war day of harvesting another drop dead useful "weed". Lakonos is called.

Amaranth oil

neighbors made wine from these berries, it makes them intoxicated, but they don't give a recipe, goons ...
Quote: Piano

neighbors made wine from these berries, it makes them intoxicated, but they don't give a recipe, goons ...

Judging by its properties, it probably weakens greatly !! That's why they don't give !!!
Lena! How timely your topic appeared! My father and I have been looking for a recipe for making butter and amaranth tincture that suits us for a week now!
No, of course, there are more than enough materials on the web ... But I wanted the recipe to be first-hand and on a trustworthy website. And we are so lucky that you decided to share!
Thank you very much for your titanic work and for a very necessary topic (at least for our family)!
Yours faithfully!
A housewife
What a beautiful name AMARANT! ...
And I bought some kind of green amaranth, and on the package it was written in brackets shiritsa, is it really him? something he is kind of small and stunted, although half a year has passed.
We touched on a very good topic. For the second year now I have been sowing amaranth, all the neighbors ask, what is it growing, I say, what is the flowers. Of course., Tell., As the seeds "extract" from the inflorescences, then laugh. First, everything through a meat grinder, then through a sieve., Then through a fine sieve., Then through some kind of tissue. As a result, white seeds are like cereals without any debris. Then I put these seeds into a coffee grinder and add to everything I want - cereals, yoghurts, soups, a bread machine, etc. You need to buy an oil press and then there will be butter. '
Hello, We have it growing green, all summer I was looking for burgundy in the taiga, and as a result, one Buryat shaman brought me to his garden and showed me, only green, and called him a shirik. If anyone can, send burgundy seeds, I will be incredibly grateful because green seeds are very small and you can't really make flour out of them.
Veleslog, I am very glad that information about amaranth interested me. As for the seeds, it's late, it's already late this year. I don't just collect seeds, I have amaranth by self-sowing, and so a lot grows. What I collect has already been processed. Next year as much as you like. Just remind. By the way, in the spring I saw amaranth seeds in the OBI store. I'll stop by and take a look at the weekend.
Quote: vlek

AMARANTH. Mara is the goddess of death, "A" - negation, literally means one who denies death, or rather, one who grants immortality. A symbol of immortality, amaranth inflorescences never fade. The Indian name for amaranth is Ramadana (bestowed by God), and the divine drink AMRITA is literally the same (mrita - death, "a" - negation). Mustache thanks to squalene - a unique substance that is part of amaranth.
In the body, the most common source of oxygen is water, squalene easily reacts with it, releasing oxygen and saturating organs and tissues with it. Oxygen deficiency and oxidative damage to cells are the main causes of aging in the body, as well as the emergence and development of tumors.Entering the human body, squalene rejuvenates cells, and also inhibits the growth and spread of malignant tumors. The highest content of squalene in amaranth grains.
In addition, squalene was found in the sebaceous glands of humans and caused a whole revolution in cosmetology. After all, being a natural component of human skin (up to 12-14%), it is able to be easily absorbed and penetrate into the body, while accelerating the penetration of substances dissolved in a cosmetic product. Once inside the body, squalene also activates the regenerative processes of the tissues of internal organs.
Seen on animals, amaranth is a wonderful food for pets and poultry. If you feed its green mass (up to 25% of other feeds), piglets grow 2.5 times, and rabbits, nutria and chickens - 2-3 times faster, cows and goats significantly increase milk yield and fat content. The green mass of amaranth is fed to pigs with a small amount of litter, and the animals grow rapidly, gaining up to 60 kg of live weight in 4 months. A large amount of vitamin C and carotene makes amaranth feed especially valuable and has a good effect on animals and birds, so they do not get sick ... ... write a lot.

Added on Monday 09 May 2016 10:42 PM

Quote: vlek

I can add current.
As for squalene, it is able to increase the strength of the body's immune system several times, thereby ensuring its resistance to various diseases. Until recently, squalene was extracted exclusively from the liver of a deep-sea shark, which made it one of the most scarce and expensive foods. But the problem was not only its high cost, but also the fact that there is not so much squalene in the shark liver - only 1-1.5%. The unique antitumor properties of squalene and such great difficulties in obtaining it forced scientists to intensify their search for the discovery of alternative sources of this substance. Modern research has found the presence of squalene in small doses in olive oil, wheat germ oil, rice bran, and yeast. In the course of biochemical studies of squalene, many other interesting properties have been discovered. So, it turned out that squalene is a derivative of vitamin A and during the synthesis of cholesterol it is converted into its biochemical analogue 7-dehydrocholesterol, which becomes vitamin D in sunlight, thereby providing radioprotective properties. In addition, vitamin A is significantly better absorbed when it is dissolved in squalene.
According to history,
some facts about the economic importance of amaranth for the last Aztec empire ruled by Montezuma in the early 16th century AD. The emperor received 9 thousand tons of amaranth as a tax. Amaranth became an integral part of many ritual actions in which paint made from it was used. Obviously, this was the reason that the Inquisition declared the plant a devilish potion, as a result, the Spanish conquistadors literally burned out the crops of Huatli, destroyed the seeds, punished the disobedient with death. As a result, amaranth disappeared from Central America. European civilization trampled on an alien, unknown culture, often much higher in intelligence. No fear of the conquerors could force the Indian tribes to abandon the cultivation of Huatli. Especially in hard-to-reach mountain villages. And it's not even a matter of lingual rituals. Maize (corn) crispbread suppressed hunger, but caused intestinal inflammation and pain. The addition of huatli to the dough deprived the peasants of suffering. "Reforms" of Peter I, among other things, banned the cultivation of amaranth and the use of amaranth bread, which was previously the main food of the Russian people, thereby destroying the longevity on Earth, which then remained in Russia; (according to legend, the elders lived for a very long time, even the figure of 300 years is mentioned ..).
amaranth is also a wonderful product.It is good and tasty to make bread and add to soups, especially in mushroom - you will lick your fingers, you are full from a small plate, as it is very satisfying, but you do not get better from it, but on the contrary there is a feeling of lightness in the body. It is used in the first and second courses, dried, salted and fermented like cabbage, marinated for the winter, prepared soft drinks that are more expensive than Pepsi and Coca-Cola. Amaranth oil has the highest price among vegetable oils and animal fats, in all respects it surpasses sea buckthorn oil by 2 times and is used during the complex treatment of radiation sickness, and germinated seeds are similar in composition to mother's milk. Scientists have found that amaranth also has effective medicinal properties. Scientists explain this by the fact that especially strong biofields are inherent in amaranth seeds, which determine its miraculous healing properties. Or such a fact. Rickety chickens, after two days of feeding with amaranth remains from seeds (chaff), immediately recovered. And further. All the owners of rabbits in the neighborhood had a death of animals - both adults and young animals. And for those who used amaranth as food, none. Amaranth is especially effective for successful beekeeping. Pantry protein, the culture of today and the future - this is what biologists of the world call this plant. Experts from the UN Food Commission recognized it as a culture that will help provide the growing population of our planet with high-quality protein. It is advisable to sow amaranth on green mass with a row spacing of 45 cm, then thinning the crops after they reach a height of 20-25 cm, leaving 10-12 plants per running meter. If for seeds - then with row spacing of 70 cm, leaving 4-5 plants per running meter. Sowing times are the same as for corn, when the soil warms up to 8-10 grams. C heat. After emergence, the main concern is to prevent the weeds from drowning them out. Leaving is needed for three weeks, then amaranth itself oppresses all its "opponents". Its roots are strong and can penetrate to the soil waters, taking from there not only moisture, but also the necessary mineral elements, which contributes to the formation of a huge biomass. Thus, amaranth can act as an ameliorant and provide valuable feed with high quality protein. For regions with risky farming, it is very promising, since in drought conditions it is capable of producing constant yields, and under optimal conditions, high yields of biomass and grain. When collecting amaranth for medicinal purposes, it must be borne in mind that it can be used for greens even when the plants reach a height of 25-30 cm; leaves can be collected from the lower tiers of plants throughout the summer until late autumn, while it is still growing, consumed, harvested for the winter and for the manufacture of medicinal preparations. Grain should be harvested when the top leaves are creamy and the seeds show slight shedding. It is necessary to dry greens under a canopy, in drafts, without access to sunlight. Store amaranth in a dry, dark and well-ventilated place, preferably suspended in linen or paper bags. Amaranth leaves contain a lot of vitamin C, carotene, tannins, flavonoids, calcium, potassium, zinc, manganese salts. The seeds and leaves of the plant are used to treat pancreatitis, gastritis, diabetes mellitus, for tumors, kidney and liver diseases.

kubanochka, Lena, and your amaranth seeds are light or black? Last year I planted amaranth for beauty, and at the end of summer I realized that this is exactly the amaranth, whose oil is worth its weight in gold. I dried 4 basins of peduncles, but, unfortunately, the seeds turned out to be black. Somewhere in the internet I met that black seeds should not be eaten. I took two basins into the compost, but that was where my determination ended ... two more basins with amaranth peduncles still stand to this day ..... and it's a pity to throw them away .... and I'm afraid to eat. This year I found vegetable seeds, with white seeds, growing ...
liliya808, Lilya, my amaranth has light seeds. But dark-seeded varieties are edible and just as healthy. If you have amaranth growing, then it is absolutely normal and edible. There are different varieties of amaranth, they differ not in chemical composition, but in the amount of biomass and color. I know dark seeds used to be used in baked goods instead of poppy seeds.
And I just suffer that I do not have amaranth with dark seeds))
Quote: liliya808
Somewhere in the internet I met that black seeds should not be eaten.

It's good that I don't always trust the Internet! The mother-in-law in the country house grows amaranth with black seeds! And for the last 2 years I have been making butter, tincture from it, and after butter I add meal to bread, and leaves in summer go to pies. Strange, but everyone is alive and does not even get sick with the flu in winter while taking the tincture.
kubanochka, Lena, if you want, I can shake it out of the remaining basins, I think it will come easily in a mail envelope, it is easy for me.
Well, in general, girls, you persuaded me. I will make both oil and tincture. We'll eat butter with salads for the summer. And the tincture will not disappear anyway ... I hope amaranth is not dangerous with an overdose ...
kubanochka, Lena and from me many thanks for the information!
I was already familiar with amaranth, but you gave me confidence in the chosen path.
Last year I raised him, cut the panicles, dried them, and then turned them in a combine. The seeds were sifted through a sieve, blown in the wind, and clean seeds were obtained. Then she twisted them on a coffee grinder, additionally crushed them in a mortar and poured them with olive oil. All winter I drank a teaspoon with my husband. And he also rubbed it into the thigh bone (he has coxoarthrosis).
The plantation has been sown this year.
kubanochka, marika33, and I will join next year! Marinochka, will you share the seeds?
Rada-dms, Olya, be sure to join! Of course, I will share the seeds, Olya!
Tell me, did anyone use a shrimp to get oil? Wild, green, which grows self-sown in the fields?
Girls, what do you think, and on an oil press from some amaranth seeds, without the addition of olive oil, the oil will turn out? At least a little (I understand that 8% oil content in seeds is not a lot)?
Quote: udalov
Tell me, did anyone use a shrimp to get oil?
Maxim, I shoveled a lot of information on amaranth in the internet, I met that the shiritsa have so small seeds that oil cannot be obtained from it.
Anna, I read about obtaining oil at home that it will not work, this is possible only in an industrial environment, with special equipment.
Quote: marika33
I shoveled a lot of information on amaranth on the internet, I met that the shiritsa have such small seeds that oil cannot be obtained from it.

This is understandable, but what if the oil is not squeezed from the seeds of the shrimp, but simply the flower stalks are filled with oil for extraction, as in the first message of this topic in the recipe?
Quote: kubanochka

Veleslog, I am very glad that information about amaranth interested me. As for the seeds, it's late, it's already late this year.
Hello! This year I went to wander around the abandoned dachas in search of melissa and found drop-dead thickets of shiritsa. Everything was just overgrown there. Tell me, be merciful, when to collect it and how best to separate the seeds?
Good day, I will raise the topic of the most useful Amaranth
I prepared a jar of tincture on the leaves, and yesterday I rubbed the fluffy tails and put on the oil, we are waiting for sweets: girl-yes:
Amaranth oil
I also have amaranth growing in my dacha, I add leaves to salad and sandwiches)
Girls and boys! I have not found amaranth seeds anywhere, can anyone buy on the online store, share the link please ...
alena40, threw it in a personal

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