Pumpkin and dishes from it

Pumpkin and dishes from it

Useful properties of pumpkin:
Useful substances of pumpkin (per 100 g)
Vitamin E - 5.1 mg
B-carotene - 400 mg
Plant fibers - 3.5 g
Calcium - 450 mg
Vitamin C - 43 mg
Vitamin B1 - 0.07 mg
Vitamin B2 - 0.09 mg

Useful substances of pumpkin
It is known that pumpkin belongs to the group of green and yellow vegetables and contains vitamins E, B, as well as a lot of carotene.

Vitamin E is often called the "anti-aging vitamin" and the "anti-aging vitamin". It has properties to prevent the appearance of wrinkles and aging spots. It also alleviates menopausal symptoms such as pain in the shoulders and lower back, as well as feeling cold due to insufficient blood flow.

Carotene, together with vitamin E, prevents cell aging and cancer. It also supports the function of the retinal mucosa, prevents colds, strengthens the immune system, protecting the body from bacteria and viruses.

It should also be noted that the plant fibers contained in pumpkin, which end constipation and prevent cancer, colitis and diabetes. Pumpkin also contains calcium, vitamins C and B, which remove accumulated salt from the body and prevent high blood pressure.

Pumpkin seeds have recently been used to make oil. Recently, these seeds, which contain a large number of beneficial ingredients, have received a lot of attention.

Due to the high content of rare vitamin T, pumpkin can rightfully be called the best side dish for beef, pork and other fatty foods, since vitamin T cpromotes the absorption of heavy foods and prevents obesity. Probably, it is for this property that nutritionists love pumpkin so much, recommending to lean on this healthy vegetable to everyone who has long dreamed of losing extra pounds.
In addition, pumpkin is the champion among vegetables in terms of iron content, which means that pumpkin lovers can be recognized by their good complexion and cheerful mood.

It is believed that pumpkin juice helps men maintain a sexual tone. For the same purpose, it is useful to use pumpkin seeds. After all, it is no coincidence that in the old days a love potion was prepared from pumpkin seeds peeled and ground into flour.

However, experts claim that with the help of a pumpkin you can not only solve problems on the personal front, but also cope with many serious diseases. Perhaps there is no healthier food for people suffering from cardiovascular diseases. Due to its high potassium content, pumpkin improves heart function, strengthens blood vessels and relieves swelling.

When liver diseases it is recommended to eat as much raw pumpkin pulp as possible, and if raw pumpkin does not taste good to you, you can replace it with pumpkin porridge with rice, millet or semolina.

When diseases of the kidneys and bladder "milk" is prepared from pumpkin seeds and hemp seeds: grind a glass of each seed, gradually adding boiling water (3 glasses), filter and squeeze. "Milk" is drunk during the day, sweetened with honey or sugar.

For insomnia It has long been recommended to drink pumpkin juice or pumpkin broth with honey at night.

Fresh gruel from pumpkin pulp is applied to the affected areas when eczema and burns, rashes, acne and other inflammations on the skin.

For people who have to stand a lot during the day, fresh pumpkin gruel can help relieve pain in the feet.

Well, the fact that pumpkin seeds are recognized remedy for the expulsion of worms, known to almost everyone. Therefore, dried pumpkin seeds are often given to children to prevent such troubles.
Pumpkin seeds, ground with honey, are one of the oldest anthelmintics.Dried pumpkin seeds are very useful for men, they are treated for prostatitis, for this, at the very beginning of the disease, 20-30 seeds should be eaten daily on an empty stomach and in the evening.

Pumpkin is very useful for iron deficiency anemia, since it contains minerals involved in hematopoiesis (iron, copper, cobalt, zinc). It is also useful to know that pumpkin contains a lot of zinc salts, and they contribute to potency. In India, pumpkin is prized for its high vitamin E content, and is believed to be prevents aging.

Pumpkin is the vegetable champion in iron, copper and fluoride. Its fruits are rich in pectin, sugars, vitamins of group B, C, E, carotene. Pumpkin fiber is well digestible and easy to digest. Raw pulp improves function gallbladder, relieves inflammation in the intestines. For gastritis with high acidity, it is recommended to drink pumpkin juice. Moreover, it is one of the best diuretic plants.

It turns out that even high temperature caused by bronchitis can be reduced with pumpkin porridge. Pumpkin juice is an indispensable remedy for the common cold: it relieves sore throat and improves immunity. Another very effective property is noted - pumpkin juice strengthens tooth enamel, promotes caries prevention.

Pumpkin infusion with honey is not only a pleasant drink, but also a unique sedative for those who suffer from insomnia. A third glass of healing infusion at night will calm your nerves and bring back a sweet dream. Pumpkin can also solve many skin problems. Pulp gruel can be treated burns and inflammations. Purulent wounds, washed with a decoction of pumpkin flowers, heal faster.

There are also many cosmetic recipes.

Nourishing mask for oily skin. In a gruel of 3 tbsp. spoons of boiled pumpkin, add egg yolk and a teaspoon of honey. Apply the mask to your face warm for 10-15 minutes and then rinse with cold water. To get rid of blackheads, tighten pores and eliminate oily shine on the forehead and nose, it is helpful to wipe your face with a piece of pumpkin.

Mask for dry skin. 2 tbsp. spoons of boiled pumpkin, beat well and mix with 1 tbsp. spoon of olive or other vegetable oil. Apply the mask to your face for 20 minutes, then rinse with cool water.

Excellent toner for all skin types - gruel from grated pumpkin and squeezed juice from it. A thin layer of cotton wool is impregnated with juice, the gruel is applied to a gauze napkin or directly to the face. The compress is applied to the face for 15-20 minutes, then removed and washed with cool water. This procedure is done 2-3 times a week. The duration of the course is 15-20 compresses. It is advisable to alternate compresses from juice and gruel.

In addition, the seeds are very high in zinc. Thanks to its presence, it is useful to eat pumpkin seeds in handfuls for problems associated with its deficiency, namely for acne, oily dandruff, seborrhea.

But for all the usefulness of pumpkin, there are some limitations in its use.
You can not eat it for those who have diabetes mellitus, gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer, gastritis with reduced secretion.


Now let's move on to pumpkin recipes.

I offer you some of my pumpkin recipes - they were all cooked and tested

Pearl barley with pumpkin and apples.

PUMPKIN - millet porridge with pumpkin

Thick soup with corn, peas and pumpkin

Breakfast-dinner-dessert "Sweet and sour pumpkin"

Raw pumpkin cream soup

Raw pumpkin in marinade filling
Pumpkin dishes are very healthy and tasty - cook with pumpkin, you will not regret

Pumpkin jam with sea buckthorn

Red pumpkin was 550 grams of peeled already, sea buckthorn juice 200 ml, sugar 300 grams, juice of 1/4 lemon.
Program 2 - quick jam in Tefal confiture.

And here's what happened.

Pumpkin and dishes from it

First, I made syrup with 100 ml. juice and 300 grams of sugar, then added the pumpkin broken into the "dust" with the remaining sea buckthorn juice. She continued to cook until thick. Turned it off before the end of the program - the puree was very cooked and thickened.

Jam tastes great. It doesn't look like a pumpkin at all.

The jam stood for several days and became even tastier and richer in taste!

I recommend cooking! You can also make this jam in a regular saucepan on the stove.

Bon appetit to all

Admin, thank you

And I love pumpkin, I love to make a pickle and a mannik \ cake-cake \ delicious with it.

You can cook Rassolnik as you are accustomed to, in the sense of the order of the filling of the products and the broth to your taste.

Throw chopped onion into the broth, grated pumpkin \ a lot \, rub it on a shallow bernere .. I don’t put carrots, a little bit of potatoes, rice, and pickled cucumbers grated on the bernere, do not pour the brine into the shell, but pour it into the soup. Seasonings for your taste. Salting is optional.

I remembered another pumpkin soup, also delicious.

Grated pumpkin, tomatoes, red lentils, garlic, boil everything until tender and grind with a blender in a puree soup.
A lot of pumpkins were born. The child loves a store-bought pumpkin drink. But in recent years, it has not been possible to buy delicious, solid water with sugar. Can you make a pumpkin drink or juice at home? Please teach!
And in our family they just love pumpkin puree soup. Daughter licks the whole plate like a dog! I put chopped potatoes, carrots, pumpkin (there is naturally more of it) in a saucepan and cook until tender, then grind it in a blender and put grated cheese into each plate before serving, it melts and it turns out such delicious food !!! Be sure to try !!!
I really love raw pumpkin salad: grated pumpkin + grated apple + lemon juice + honey
Sergey Kornilov
We are preparing a very simple side dish.

Pumpkin and potatoes baked with garlic.

We usually cook in the Multicooker.
1. Potatoes, you can peel, or you can just wash well, cut into large pieces.
2. Peel the pumpkin and cut into slices, slightly larger than the potatoes.
3. Mix in a CF dish: potatoes, pumpkin, salt, pepper, herbs (rosemary, thyme, oregano, parsley), drizzle with olive oil.
4. Add a few small red onions, cut crosswise, halfway down and stuffed with half a teaspoon of butter.
5. Add the head of garlic, disassembled into cloves, washed, but not peeled.

Baking mode - 30 ... 40 minutes.
Stir several times during cooking.
Once ready, take out the garlic in a saucer and squeeze the baked, creamy garlic mass out of the rind by simply pressing a teaspoon. Put the resulting cream back into the vegetables and stir.

Serve either as a side dish or as a completely independent dish.

P.S. If you cook in the oven, then the potatoes must be slightly boiled beforehand, for 5 ... 10 minutes, otherwise they will not have time to cook, and the pumpkin will fall apart from the long cooking.
Can someone tell me the correct recipe for pumpkin porridge with milk, for some reason my pumpkin milk curdles. And so I want pumpkin porridge
Rice porridge in pumpkin

It was baked for 4 hours. 1 measure of unpolished rice, 2 measures of boiling water, dried fruit, pumpkin slices from the top. At the end, I greased the pumpkins lightly with oil to bake them better. She poured some water at the bottom, at the end it evaporated.
Pumpkin and dishes from it

Try making porridge with processed (not raw) pumpkin, for example
PUMPKIN - millet porridge with pumpkin

Second - check the quality of milk
Roast in pumpkin

Take a round orange pumpkin, cut off the "lid", take out the pulp with a spoon, put in the oven over medium heat until half cooked. Meanwhile, we prepare the filling: meat, potatoes, carrots in cubes, fry in a pan, add cream, green. peas salt, black ground pepper and stew in a pan for about 25-30 minutes. We take out the pumpkin from the oven, grate the middle with crushed garlic and fill it with the filling and into the oven for 20 minutes. I don't really like the pumpkin, but I often cook it like that.

Pumpkin and dishes from it
Admin! Thank you very much for the recipe "PUMPKIN - millet porridge with pumpkin"
I have never eaten more delicious pumpkin porridge.
Always cooked with rice before, it turns out that it tastes much better with millet!
Candied fruits are very tasty from pumpkin (recipe in the book on the Isidri dryer).
I cook almost all winter, tastier than candy.
Summer resident
I was once treated to a pumpkin pie. The dough was lazy flaky, but the spicy pumpkin with spices. How many did not try to repeat nothing happened. Maybe someone knows the original recipe?
Summer resident, I don't know the recipe for spicy filling for pies, but I remembered one recipe for pumpkin with chicken.

Pumpkin with chicken

I cut the chicken (fillet or any other part) into small pieces. I cut the pumpkin into cubes, fry a lot of onions, fry the chicken pieces slightly, mix everything, add the pumpkin (a lot) and the carcass. At the end - a couple of tablespoons of tomato paste and garlic. It turns out awesome, my husband doesn't like pumpkin, but he eats this dish without noticing her presence.
I also have a recipe for a spicy pumpkin, but this is an independent dish, as a filling I cannot imagine, but you can probably take it as a basis for a creative search.

Pumpkin with Indian motives.

Pumpkin and dishes from it

Sorry for the quality of the photo, it's the only one, then my battery ran out ...

It is necessary:

Peeled pumpkin 300 g
Green lentils 1 glass
Onions - I had 1 huge onion per 300 grams (this corresponds to 3 normal)

Spices: curry or seasoning for chicken (it is also with curry in the composition), garlic 1 prong - do not peel, cardamom 2-3 pcs, hot pepper - a piece.

Cook lentils, I do this: pour water 1: 1.5, salt, cook for about 15-20 minutes.

Rast. Heat the oil, fry a clove of garlic, cardamom, pepper-peas in it. Add coarsely chopped onions, fry in hot oil while adding salt and sprinkle with a pinch of flour, put on a separate plate.

In the same oil, fry the cut into strips of pumpkin, sprinkle it with sugar and dry curry (or dry seasoning for chicken), I also added a couple of hot pepper rings from a jar to it (thanks Admin, for the idea!). Do not overcook !!! The pumpkin shouldn't get too soft ..

Mix all ingredients. DELICIOUS!!! All pumpkin lovers eat
Quote: Belko

Pumpkin with chicken

I cut the chicken (fillet or any other part) into small pieces. I cut the pumpkin into cubes, fry a lot of onions, fry the chicken pieces slightly, mix everything, add the pumpkin (a lot) and the carcass. At the end - a couple of tablespoons of tomato paste and garlic. It turns out awesome, my husband doesn't like pumpkin, but he eats this dish without noticing her presence.

Thank you so much for this recipe.
Today I prepared everything strictly according to the recipe (excluding a teaspoon of curry)
The pumpkin is completely boiled and turned into a puree. Therefore, the chicken turned out immediately with the sauce
Ready-made cannelloni were poured with this mixture. Yummy
The household did not admit what the sauce was from (they can't stand pumpkin in my mind). And this dish was eaten by all, without a trace.
Thanks again for the recipe! I will add it to my piggy bank of delicious and healthy dishes.
Quote: Summer resident

I was once treated to a pumpkin pie. The dough was lazy flaky, but the spicy pumpkin with spices. How many did not try to repeat nothing happened. Maybe someone knows the original recipe?
Once upon a time my grandmother made such pies. The dough is simple on kefir, and for the filling, onions and carrots were first stewed in vegetable oil, then pumpkin was added there. All this needs to be salt and pepper well. I recently fried such pies, a large bowl was eaten in the evening. Today I made this filling and want to bake it in one pie in the oven. The dough was made as for Bulin apple. I don’t know what will happen yet - I hope it’s delicious.
Lyulёk, I am so glad that you liked the recipe, I am especially pleased to hear this from you, because your recipes have been in my favorites for a long time (especially fish pie) and thanks for the tip, I will really try to add curry next time, this spice is very friendly with chicken.
Summer resident
Quote: Kobeika

Once upon a time my grandmother made such pies. The dough is simple on kefir, and for the filling, onions and carrots were first stewed in vegetable oil, then pumpkin was added there. All this needs to be salt and pepper well. Recently I fried such pies, a large bowl was eaten in the evening. Today I have prepared this filling and I want to bake one pie in the oven.The dough was made as for Bulin apple. I don’t know what happens yet - I hope it’s delicious.

Thank you so much looks like this is it

And the dough from the apple tree is a win-win What I just didn't do with it

Belko For the chicken recipe, a separate respect. If you need to disguise the pumpkin from home "gourmets". you can't imagine better
And I make a delicious casserole out of pumpkin. Before, I confess, I could not stand the pumpkin. Only sooooo long persuasions about the benefits of pumpkin in nature could make her eat me. And after I tried this casserole, pumpkin became not only useful for me, but also surprisingly tasty. So,


500-600 g pumpkin
100 ml milk
100 ml of water
150 g sugar
5 eggs
60 g semolina
1-2 apples
raisins, dried apricots, etc. to taste
sour cream (a little to grease the top)

1. Peel the pumpkin and cut it into cubes.
2. Pour milk and water into a saucepan, add sugar and pour pumpkin. Cook over low heat until the liquid boils away.
3. Cut apples and dried apricots into cubes.
4. Beat eggs.
5. Mix eggs, apples, dried apricots, raisins, pumpkin and semolina.
6. Grease a baking sheet with oil and pour the casserole onto it.

Pumpkin and dishes from it

7. Bake in the oven. When the casserole is browned, brush the top with sour cream and continue baking.
8. Here, ready:

Pumpkin and dishes from it

the photos are a little bad. The camera sat down
I think this casserole will appeal even to those who do not like pumpkin - its taste is not "heard" at all.
Today is pumpkin day. My husband was presented with a huge pumpkin, orange. sweet. This morning I baked a pumpkin pie with onions and carrots (I wrote the filling above for the pies), poured eggs with sour cream on top. It turned out delicious. And now, after reading the recipes, I cooked pumpkin with chicken according to Belko's recipe. Mother-in-law approved - does the second approach with the plate And the third course - just got a Michelle pumpkin casserole out of the oven. Everything is delicious. (y) True, our pumpkin was very sweet, so we should have put less sugar in the casserole (as for my taste). And my husband asked for more: nyam: Pumpkins not received another half - tomorrow I will continue to feed my family
I'm glad that the casserole liked the pumpkin, you see, it's really huge !!! You managed to make so many dishes from it, and half more remained !!!!!
I tried a chicken with a pumpkin, it is very tasty and if you do not come across pieces of pumpkin, that is, everything is crushed, then you generally understand that this is not possible. Thank you.
Kobeika, Konek, I'm glad that I liked the recipe for chicken with pumpkin.
I was here on the weekend preparing a light dessert for myself, maybe someone will be interested

Pumpkin baked with apples

Cut the pumpkin and apples into cubes, put in layers in a mold -
pumpkin, apples, a little raisins, cinnamon, sugar, repeat a couple of layers. I don't put too much, cook faster, close the lid and bake until the pumpkin is ready. I bake in the microwave (faster this way), you can in the oven.

When it cools down, a good dessert for tea. You can pour sour cream (for an amateur, except for me no one waters at home)
Michelle, made today a pumpkin casserole according to your recipe. I wouldn't be me if I hadn't done something. While the casserole was in the oven, I chatted with my daughter on the phone, well, I welded the bottom a little, and everything is very tasty!
Thanks for the recipe. Took a note of the recipe. Tomorrow I want to try Belko's chicken and pumpkin recipe.
I am very glad that you liked it! Eat to your health! Can be with sour cream, honey ..... maybe you can add something else. If you have ideas - share!
Belko, thanks for the recipe for chicken in pumpkin On the advice of Lulek added curry. Very tasty, mom almost licked the plate Fast, simple and tasty. I would never have thought that a pumpkin could be like this. Now we must try to make potatoes with pumpkin baked with garlic in MV.

I bought my favorite pumpkin yesterday. Its variety seems to be called nut pumpkin.It is shaped, in our understanding, of a familiar light bulb, its pulp is bright orange, the aroma is mind-blowing, it tastes quite sweet. The casserole is awesome. I have been buying it for several years now. It was her. In porridge, it is excellent.
Quote: Wildebeest

It is shaped, in our understanding, of a familiar light bulb, its pulp is bright orange, the aroma is mind-blowing, it tastes quite sweet. The casserole is awesome.
so I only feed on these, and I baked these rolls from the remnant of pumpkin from pickle


Wildebeest I also have such a pumpkin in high esteem, and the most interesting thing is that when buying it in the supermarket, already cut into pieces and packaged, I choose the part that is not hollow, where there are no seeds, it is the most delicious and tender, but for some reason buyers usually do not take it very much, as one woman put it, this is not a real one
And another question, off-topic, if I became interested in a recipe and vote for an interesting recipe, then then I don't have the opportunity to vote later that the recipe has already been prepared and will repeat it? Does everyone have it? If so, then it is very inconvenient and not logical, all the time you are faced with a choice, how to vote, what would be the real picture?

If anything, then feel free to delete it, I just don't know what topic of the forum to write, but since we're here about pumpkins ...
So, I just have a fix idea! I want to make a "vase" from a small pumpkin under the physalis (so that later in the kitchen and put it). I suppose that you need to cut off the "crown" of the pumpkin, scrape out the pulp (for bread!) And dry the remaining crust. Only here is how to make sure that it does not deform and rot - I don’t know.
Tell me, good people!
Kobeika, I read your recipe for filling for pumpkin pies, and immediately remembered my youthful years. Thank you. They really melt in your mouth. My grandmother did these things, I never ate them again.
The dough is also on kefir, only without onions and carrots. Boiled pumpkin and heavily peppery, to a chill in the mouth. Delight!
I also want to offer my recipe for stuffed pumpkin, suddenly someone will like it.

I take a small round pumpkin.
100g of rice, boiled until half cooked
100g plums. oils
50g sugar
100g small pitted plums
2st. l raisins
200gr. apples
some cinnamon.

Gently cut off the top of the pumpkin (this will be the lid), take out the seeds and pulp with a spoon. You should get a saucepan.
Pumpkin pulp fine-fine mode, add rice, raisins, chopped apples and plums.
Then salt everything and add cinnamon. And drain. oil.
Mix the resulting mass and stuff our pumpkin with it, and close the pumpkin lid.
Then we wrap the pumpkin in foil and send it to the oven for baking
Bake the pumpkin until soft.
I love pumpkin !!!! Thank you all for the interesting recipes, I will definitely cook something!
Quote: Sonadora

If anything, then feel free to delete it, I just don't know what topic of the forum to write, but since we're here about pumpkins ...
So, I just have a fix idea! I want to make a "vase" from a small pumpkin under the physalis (so that later in the kitchen and put it). I suppose that you need to cut off the "crown" of the pumpkin, scrape out the pulp (for bread!) And dry the remaining crust. Only here is how to make it so that it does not deform and rot - I don’t know.
Tell me, good people!
Sonadora , I will answer here quickly :) For a vase, it is best to take a pumpkin of certain varieties. it's called Lagenaria. dries without problems, does not rot. You don't need to pick anything out of it. dries up and itself becomes hollow inside. then you can decorate it, decoupage it and get rid of it in every way. other varieties will rot. in any case, I have just such an experience.
And I just took out the pumpkin twirls from the oven. For the filling, grated the pumpkin on a coarse grater and sprinkle with sugar. In Moldova, this is a very popular and beloved by many filling for vertut and placinde.
uh huh. I happened to visit the glorious city of Chisinau. Essno, I wanted to taste the national delicacies. (I consider myself a gastronomic tourist :)).Dialogue in a cafe with a young waitress:
- Girl, you have "Placinda" on your menu, but what is it?
the girl sniffs for a couple of seconds in confusion, and then happily gives out:
- Oh, well, this is such a thing ... it looks like a twirl!
The curtain.
Since then, everything has been dreaming of me to bungle either a placinda or a twirl, but no one gave a good kick.
(by the way, I didn’t have a chance to try either one or the other, since “the placinths with vertutas just ran out” ...)
sweetka, if you bake them, I can give 2 links to them, plus my comments. If necessary, let me know. First you need to figure it out, but if you get a taste, then in the future it is pretty fast.
Girls, I make pasties with such a pumpkin filling as Kobeika gave. Very tasty and you will not immediately understand that there is no meat. Just add a lot of fried onions. Well, if you also add minced meat to the pumpkin filling, then generally delicious !!! Maybe someone will come in handy.
LiudmiLka, here Kobeika gave the filling recipe:

Quote: Kobeika

Once upon a time my grandmother made such pies. The dough is simple on kefir, and for the filling, onions and carrots were first stewed in vegetable oil, then pumpkin was added there. All this needs to be salt and pepper well. Recently I fried such pies, a large bowl was eaten in the evening. Today I have prepared this filling and I want to bake one pie in the oven. The dough was made as for Bulin apple. I don’t know what happens yet - I hope it’s delicious.
Quote: LiudmiLka

sweetka, if you bake them, I can give 2 links to them, plus my comments. If necessary, let me know. First you need to figure it out, but if you get a taste, then in the future it is pretty fast.
of course I want links !!!! and I also want someone to say: fu, Sveta, groove! how many years have passed, and you have never done such a wonderful miracle!
Stretch dough (filo)
We knead the dough either with our hands, but I like to make it in HP, because with our hands we need to knead it intensively for about 15 minutes.
In a bucket from HP I pour ¼ glass of refined odorless vegetable oil, 1 egg, a little salt, 230-250 ml of warm water, and on top I pour 0.5 kg of sifted flour.
Then, on my HP, I turn on the "sake" program (I like it). And on your HP you can have any dough, you just need to stir it smartly and WITHOUT HEATING for about 20 minutes, or if there is "Pelmeni", "Pasta", then it is best. I do not have such a function, so I wait 18 minutes while kneading, and then turn it off, since baking will continue and my dough will begin to bake.
Then put it in a bag (under a bowl) and wait until the dough stands for 30 minutes or more.

From this amount (full norm), one large baking sheet for a 4-burner gas stove is obtained. If this is divided into 9 parts (balls), then you get 3 twists of 3 layers each. Place them along the length of the baking sheet. And if in 8 parts, then 4 smaller of 2 layers. Then you can either twist them, or put them along the length of the baking sheet, and I just put them across, and bend the ends so that they enter the width of the baking sheet.
But how to mold vertices and piers can be found here:

But here you have to read and study for a long time.


I shape the twirls differently. Here's how it looks a bit like this: 🔗 (here the dough recipe is a little different (without eggs, my mother-in-law does without them), but it is also very good, and in Moldovan villages they also add a drop of fresh yeast, but then the dough breaks (for beginners, it’s a little difficult at once), but it turns out even tastier ).
And I bake in the oven, I DO NOT FAST. I pull everything out on my hands (mother-in-law taught). But, unfortunately, a video clip is needed here. I wanted to do a master class with a photo, but then I realized that a photo will not give anything. You just have to see it. Therefore, I also advise everyone from Angela or Clara (according to the links above) to look at the cooking. True, too much space is needed to do like Angela, but she has everything described perfectly. She wrote that for those who do not know how to stretch this dough in their hands, she shows how easy it is to do it on the table. I do not grease with margarine, but only vegetable oil.
You can do, like her pillars. And for twirling, I take 3 layers of dough (you can take 2 layers) and you get a sausage with a filling. You can twist it with a snail, but then it will not be so crispy.

She also made puff pies according to her recipe. Super. I also kneaded the dough in HP. I advise. You can keep the dough in the refrigerator, that is, make it in advance. It is not exhaust, that is, it is not filo.

And I made fried on kefir. Very tasty and simple, but the whole apartment was in smoke. Flour burns like frying pies.

Sveta, but in general, study, read, look. It is very inexpensive, with any fillings, and we serve it all on the festive table. There are restaurants with their own signature recipes and everything looks gorgeous even on wedding tables in expensive restaurants. And the funniest thing is that there are delicacies, such as bones on a grater, in winter grapes with pineapples, toasts with caviar, and people’s hands reach for the pillars-vertuts.
I almost forgot, and you will go to post. For example, with cabbage (sauerkraut or mixed with fresh or just fresh). After all, there is a version of the test without an egg (from Klara).
I didn't see such a recipe and decided to share it ... It is generally done simply:
Warm salad of pumpkin and feta cheese
Peel the pumpkin, cut into cubes. Now garlic: I took pumpkins about 700 grams and 5 cloves of garlic (but I have garlic lovers in my family, so I think 2 will do just fine). Cut into thin slices. Pour oil into the pan and send pumpkin and garlic there. Cover with a lid. Stir after 5 minutes and cover again for 3 minutes. In the meantime, cut a large bunch of green onions finely and pour into the pan to the pumpkin. Fry for 7 minutes. + Salt, pepper and I added Italian (French) herbs. I liked it more with the Italian ones, since the French ones contain thyme, but as they say it is not for everybody. Next, take a container, pour pumpkin with garlic and green onions there and add diced feta cheese (350 grams). You can add nuts, sesame - whoever likes it. Stir gently and you can eat
It doesn't have to be warm at all; cold tastes just as well.
Quote: Belko

Summer resident, I don't know the recipe for spicy filling for pies, but I remembered one recipe for pumpkin with chicken.

Pumpkin with chicken

I cut the chicken (fillet or any other part) into small pieces. I cut the pumpkin into cubes, fry a lot of onions, lightly fry the chicken pieces, mix everything, add the pumpkin (a lot) and the carcass. At the end - a couple of tablespoons of tomato paste and garlic. It turns out awesome, my husband does not like pumpkin, but he eats this dish without noticing its presence.

I understand that I am quoting a post from 2009, but I cannot help but say THANKS for this wonderful recipe!
They ate the frying pan and licked the plates!
Pumpkin and dishes from it
cake machine
And I want to say thank you for the pumpkin chicken recipe. I did not cook fillet, but chicken cut into pieces, all the pumpkin pieces are special. kneaded. It turned out to be chicken in a delicious sauce. It's a song with rice! Thank you!
Quote: northerner

And in our family they just love pumpkin puree soup. Daughter licks the whole plate like a dog! I put chopped potatoes, carrots, pumpkin (there is naturally more of it) in a saucepan and cook until tender, then grind in a blender and put grated cheese into each plate before serving, it melts and it turns out such delicious food !!! Be sure to try !!!

And in our family they love this soup, only croutons instead of cheese.

Today we have a solid pumpkin: for breakfast, millet porridge with pumpkin in pots, for lunch, pore soup, and even baked crackers with pumpkin. True crackers are for a week, I just liked the recipe.

Now the next step is chicken and pumpkin.

Girls, thanks for the recipes, I found a lot of new things for myself.

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