Rustic bread on dough according to Kalvel (oven)

Category: Yeast bread
Rustic bread on dough according to Kalvel (oven)


Opara (masa fermentada):
- wheat flour 200 g
- water 128 g
- salt 4 g (3/4 tsp)
- pressed yeast 3 g
Fermentation - 5 hours at + 24C
or 15 hours at + 4C
- all dough
- wheat flour 180 g
- peeled rye flour 20 g
- water 128 g
- salt 4 g (3/4 tsp)
- pressed yeast 5 g
- malt 1.2 g (1/2 tsp)
- acorbic acid 0.8 g

Cooking method

  • This is one of my favorite breads, I have been making it for more than one year and I am not overjoyed! What is called - lay in the hand and not only in it
  • All proportions in this recipe are very harmonious and give a sophisticated aroma of rustic bread.
  • Depending on the fermentation temperature of the dough, you can get different tastes and different crumb structure.
  • At +4 С - the crumb is more elastic and more intense aroma.
  • 1. Knead the dough and leave it to wander, at the end of the fermentation the dough always reached the risk of 1.2 liters - that is, it increased by 4 times.
  • 2. Kneading the dough with the whole dough - 12-15 minutes.
  • 3. First proofing - 40 minutes at + 24C.
  • Take out the dough, stretch it into an oval cake, sprinkle with flour and leave for the second proofing.
  • 4. Second proofing - 35 minutes at + 24C.
  • 5. Carefully divide this cake into 2 parts.
  • Or into several pieces if you are baking buns.
  • And leave for the final proofing - 60-90 minutes.
  • 6. Heat the oven to 220-230 С
  • Place the bread on a hot baking sheet and cut a longitudinal cut.
  • Bake for 35-45 minutes.
  • Steam as desired (spray with a spray bottle before filling).
  • I bake without steam, and I like the resulting crust better.
  • The bread is not very even in shape, even if I made 5 longitudinal cuts on it - it managed to explode from the side.
  • In general, the business card of this bread, I have always had these cuts before:
  • Rustic bread on dough according to Kalvel (oven)
  • But now I have moved a little on the "crown" molding, so the pictures from it
  • With careful work, the crumb is quite airy, perforated and very elastic.
  • Rustic bread on dough according to Kalvel (oven)
  • Rustic bread on dough according to Kalvel (oven)


The recipe is taken from the cookie site.

I also tried this option, when you put dough for 1 portion, and then it turns out that you need to bake bread for 2 families.
It turns out very well.
I also increase the amount of rye flour:
Opara (masa fermentada):

- wheat flour 200 gr
- water 128 gr
- salt 4 gr (3/4 tsp)
- pressed yeast 3 gr

Fermentation - 5 hours at + 24C
or 15 hours at + 4C


- all dough
- wheat flour - 320 gr
- peeled rye flour - 80 gr
- water - 256 gr
- salt - 8-10 gr
- pressed yeast - 10 gr
- malt - 2.4 g (1 tsp)
- acorbic acid - 1.6 g
How to make Crown here:

Rustic bread on dough according to Kalvel (oven)
Beautiful bread !!
julifera and teach me, pliz, also mold bread !! Or throw yourself a reference at me.

I have already prepared a master class on such a molding, I'll post it tonight

I wanted to post it here, but changed my mind, because to be honest - this particular bread according to Calvel is better and tastier all the same - solid oval!

In the form of buns or a crown, it is only good when eaten immediately, while freshly baked
julifera, great, I'll wait !!
julifera Yes, I saw it at work, thanks. I went to ask questions.
Thank you for the delicious bread!
In my case, both in the dough and in the dough, 70 - 80 grams of flour were superfluous
Yaroslavna - to your health !!!

It is strange that such a large amount of flour was superfluous, maybe your flour is very, very strong?

Because in this recipe, the total amount of flour is 400 g for the total amount of liquid - 256 g is an absolutely standard ratio.

I would even say that the dough is a little thinner than an ordinary standard wheat bun.
Flour 1 grade., I bake on it constantly.
I did it according to the recipe with a large amount of flour - 600 g for 384 g of whey. And it seems to me that rye flour takes more water. That is why I have a surplus of flour.
And the bread is delicious, I inhale it and eat it. Thank you
Bon Bon
and what kind of dough should it be: liquid or like a wheat bun?

and what kind of dough should it be: liquid or like a wheat bun?

When kneaded, it is not at all liquid, but I can’t say that it’s a cool bun.
I always knead the dough by hand, after proofing it, of course, becomes a little thinner.
Bon Bon
I got a cool kolobok, I went to add some water and once again the kolobok will be "pummeled"
Or maybe it is not necessary, let it remain so, it will suit unambiguously
A couple of years ago I made Calvel's sourdough, also toiled, everything was so tight.
He just has such a technique.
BON BON - I had to ask right away - did they manually knead the dough for a short time or in a HP or a combine? In them, the dough dough will turn out tighter than with manual kneading ...
Bon Bon
I did it by hand, maybe the flour is dry, so I absorbed a lot of water, well, I did nothing, I'll bake it tomorrow
Bought on a tip AXIOMs ascorbic acid in powder and wondered if there would be an effect if you add half of that recommended in the recipe ...
ASCORBIC ACID as an improver

Ascorbic acid, along with malt, is one of the most popular improvers in bakery. Bakeries love it for its positive effects on gluten.

Why does ascorbic acid have a positive effect on gluten?
- increases the moisture-absorbing ability of flour (though not alone);
- increases the "strength" of the mass during fermentation, ie, the mass spreads less and keeps its shape well;
- helps to reduce the ripening time of the dough and preliminary proofing of the dough pieces;
- helps to retain gas in the dough, which means it improves the volume of finished bread and its appearance;
- helps the bread mass in the last minutes of the final proofing before baking to be especially stable and stable.

The unjustified or excessive use of ascorbic acid in the first place negatively affects the taste of the bread.
In addition, an overdose of ascorbic acid can make the mass stubborn, stubborn during molding, the dough will not roll out well and strive all the time, as if to shrink.
The dose of ascorbic acid must be reduced or completely abandoned if:
- the technology provides for preliminary proofing of workpieces;
- the dough contains spontaneous fermentation sourdough or a large amount of yeast.

Ascorbic acid, like all other improvers with a positive effect on gluten, begins to "work" during fermentation, that is, immediately after yeast has been introduced into the mass.
The amount of ascorbic acid depends on the type of flour, the chosen production process, the final characteristics of the bread that we want to achieve and ... the country of residence of the baker's workers:

- in Spain it is 0.2 grams per 1000 grams of flour;
- in France from 0.05 to 0.2 g per 1000 g of flour, but not more than 0.3 g;
- in Italy 0.2 g per 1000 g of flour.

Ascorbic acid is first diluted in a small amount of water, and only then is it added to the bread mass.


Taken from articles by Valeggio and Lyudmila.

And now in less scientific language
- ascorbic acid blocks the effect of yeast on flour protein, making gluten less elastic, tighter


- from ascorbic acid the dough does not spread into a pancake; if you give a piece of dough the shape of a ball, then it will remain so - like a rubber ball.

julifera, let me report to you. I did everything according to the recipe, did not add anything, did not subtract anything, I wanted to try to reproduce the recipe exactly. I baked it with a round bun. My bread turned out to be not as fluffy as in your photo, but I really liked the taste, such a good, rich bread. Although the bread is good enough, I’ll get ready to bake next time, add some water to the main dough, and see how this option works out.
I take the recipe to the piggy bank with gratitude to you for the good-quality bread!

Rustic bread on dough according to Kalvel (oven) Rustic bread on dough according to Kalvel (oven)
Rustic bread on dough according to Kalvel (oven)
Anise - excellent result
And yes - rich bread taste - that's about him

Dough was made as - fast at room temperature or long in the refrigerator?
Girls, what are you smart girls !!! You bake such complex and beautiful breads, I really envied you. And I, something am afraid of such complex recipes.
Vitalinka - all my life I was afraid of yeast dough like fire, now I'm laughing at myself
As I bought HP at the end of 2008 - so I disappeared - I began to try everything.
So this is a profitable business - the eyes are afraid - the hands are doing
julifera, thanks for the approval of my work! Dough made "long", in the refrigerator. I love this business - to hold the dough (dough) in the cold.

Vitalinka, you bake such incomparable cakes that you can cope with any bread, I personally have no doubts. Moreover, Junifera I described everything in detail, there should be no difficulties. And if anything, ask, ready to help, than I can.
Girls, thanks! .. I'm not afraid of yeast dough, just embarrassed by the duration of the bread preparation. But I will definitely try!
I have 2 questions
1. How do you measure 0.8 g of ascorbic acid?
2. How do you make incisions? I tried it with a razor blade and a scalpel ... Despite that, I also lubricated the blade with butter - the dough always stretches behind it and does not cut deeply
from ascorbic acid, the dough does not spread into a pancake; if you give a piece of dough the shape of a ball, then it will remain so - like a rubber ball
Something I can't do that is spreading ... But I'm not talking about your bread ...
Quote: Antonovka

1. How do you measure 0.8 g of ascorbic acid?

I have a second jewelry scale accurate to 0.01 grams

But I didn't weigh ascorbic acid on them because:
- until last week I used ascorbic acid in polka dots - everything is clear there
- having recently bought a pure powder catastrophically rare in our area, I saw that it was packaged in 0.5 g

Just yesterday I put the dough in terms of the total amount of flour in 500 grams, that is, ascorbic acid will need - 1 gram.
I'll post the recalculation if necessary.
Quote: Antonovka

2. How do you make incisions? I tried it with a razor blade and a scalpel ... Despite that, I also lubricated the blade with butter - the dough always stretches behind it and does not cut deeply

Once upon a time I bought a special German razor used for hairstyling and bought sets of additional blades for it, they are half, dense, framed on one side.
I quickly got bored of cutting my hair with it, but the blades remained. Now they have successfully gone into business.
In hairdressing shops you can see.
This blade cuts fine, occasionally undermines, but generally works well.
Exception - Porcupine - it mastered this dough with wild labors, this is probably on purpose - so that everything was from the word "wild"

We have 2.5 g each, but still there is so little of it that you can divide the fick
And I will look for the right blade)))

And I can bake bread only closer to Easter - reports are now coming (I will be grateful for recalculation
Antonovka, today I will bake this bread and pour ascorbic acid powder into a teaspoon.
Then I will write how much it will turn out.
Recalculation for the total amount of flour 500 gr

Opara (masa fermentada):

- wheat flour - 250 gr
- water - 160 gr
- salt - 5 gr (1 tsp with a slide)
- pressed yeast - 4 gr

Fermentation: 5 hours at + 24C or 15 hours at + 4C

- all dough
- wheat flour - 225 gr
- peeled rye flour - 25 gr
- water - 160 gr
- salt - 5 gr (1 tsp with a slide)
- pressed yeast - 6.25 gr
- malt - 1.5 g (3/5 tsp)
- acorbic acid - 1 g (1/4 h. l)

Fermentation: 40 min + 35 min + 60-90 min at + 24C
Here I dug up general theory according to this test, such deep bins that I found only now.
Calvel Ripe Dough Formula

100 gr - flour
2 g - pressed yeast
2 g - salt
68 g - water

Knead for 4 minutes at low speed, then 10 minutes at medium-high speed.
The dough temperature is 25C.
Use after 3-4 hours of fermentation at room temperature, but no more than 12 hours later.
After 12 hours of storage at room temperature, the dough is acidified and becomes unusable.

This dough can be put in a regular refrigerator after one hour of fermentation at room temperature and kept there for up to 36 hours (one and a half days), used at any time after 12 hours in the refrigerator.

Depending on the flour, the type of bread, and the preferences of the baker and the buyers of his bread, ripe dough can make up from 45% to 170% of the weight of the flour used to knead the bread dough.


Examples of using:

In everyday white bread (the dough from which baguettes, loaves, breads and buns are baked):
- pain courant, pain ordinaire

100 gr - flour
2 g - salt
2 gr - press. yeast
pinch of ascorbic acid
0.2 g - malt extract
68 g - water
45 g - ripe dough (this is a typical amount, like a "small dough", although you can knead up to 170 g of ripe dough)

And here is an example with French gray bread - pain de campagne (Chuchelkin's version).
Typical in this type of bread is the use of "big dough", that is, 170 baking percent of ripe dough:

100 gr - white wheat flour of any grade
10 g - rye flour of any grade
2 g - salt
2 gr - press. yeast
pinch of ascorbic acid
0.2 g - white malt extract
63 g - water
170 g - ripe dough (can be reduced to 45 g)
julifera, thanks for the recipe, very good bread, my husband said that the crust is too thick, but he doesn't like a crust, and for me luck in bread is necessarily a good fried crust, the shape, of course, does not convey the filling, but I'm working on it Rustic bread on dough according to Kalvel (oven) Rustic bread on dough according to Kalvel (oven) Rustic bread on dough according to Kalvel (oven) Rustic bread on dough according to Kalvel (oven) Rustic bread on dough according to Kalvel (oven)
Olesya - excellent bread!
Thank you, I go to the kitchen, drag a piece and smell a very fragrant
I baked bread, we eat ... No, I think it's impossible, half of the bread has already been eaten, everyone is praising it, we need to take a picture and say a tremendous thank you to the author. Julifera, thank you, I pleased all my household with this bread. Baked with steam, the crust is thin and crispy. No malt or ascorbic acid. But the crumb and taste are just right. The cut is a little uneven, but of course it does not affect the taste:Rustic bread on dough according to Kalvel (oven)} baked three rolls
Ananda - I am very glad that your family liked this bread
Andrey Eduardovich
- pressed yeast 3 gr
how much dry yeast will it be?
Quote: Andrey Eduardovich
- pressed yeast 3 gr
how much dry yeast will it be?

1 gram

in 1 teaspoon 3.5-4 grams of dry, that is, 1 gram is about 1/4 tsp.
Andrey Eduardovich
Thank you!
here's another malt to find and probably worthy of such a tasty treat.
Julia, I baked your bread several times - and the dough stood in the warmth, and in the refrigerator - everything turns out very tasty and very bread. Today I'm baking to go. I wanted to ask about ascorbic acid - I have a current in ampoules - I buy it especially for sausage, so can I have already added it?
Tanya, and it's good that I added!
Is already on the last proofing
Andrey Eduardovich
So I was honored to this wonderful bread, everything turned out fine from the first call.
The taste is simply amazing, we have already tried to bake a lot of bread (though everything is in HP), but such a rich aroma has not yet been in our apartment.
I want to clarify a couple of points: between the proofings, do I need to knead the dough and how long it takes, for some reason I got a very fried (crispy) crust, maybe this is because I baked "without steam?"
Andrey Eduardovich
Rustic bread on dough according to Kalvel (oven)
Rustic bread on dough according to Kalvel (oven)
Rustic bread on dough according to Kalvel (oven)
julifera, I baked bread to go, a double portion was swept away with shish kebabs, and a whole package remained in the store
Andrey Eduardovich, there is such a thing - the aroma of rural bread is stunning
Your cut is very tasty.
Quote: Andrey Eduardovich

I want to clarify a couple of points: between proofings, do I need to knead the dough and how long,
You need to gently knead, 10 seconds
Quote: Andrey Eduardovich

For some reason, I have a very fried (crispy) crust, maybe this is because I baked "without steam?"
Yes, because without steam, I usually spray with a spray bottle.
Quote: Scarlett
they swept away a double portion, and the store still left a whole package

Andrey Eduardovich
Thank you, I understood, next time I will definitely "wet" it before putting it in the oven.
great recipe - soft, delicious bread. I did it well even without ascorbic acid.
I'll bake again tomorrow. double portion

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