Influenza and its treatment

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Influenza and its treatmentInfluenza is one of the most common viral infections that occurs every year like an epidemic, which leads to serious illness and even death of people at risk (older people and people with chronic respiratory diseases). The flu is transmitted by contact with sick people through the smallest droplets that get into the air when the patient coughs and sneezes. Symptoms appear one to four days after exposure.

Viruses usually affect the respiratory system, but they can also affect the digestive system (see below). The infection lasts about a week, but sometimes it remains much longer - if a re-infection occurs or if complications arise.


Influenza is caused by a group of viruses. There are quite a few of them, and since they change every year, it is impossible to develop immunity to the flu. Usually viruses are divided into three groups: A, B and C. The most common viruses of group A (Hong Kong flu, Russian flu, Beijing flu). Viruses invade the cells of the body and practically destroy them, generating new viruses. Since viruses live in the cells of the body, the natural defense mechanism of cells - the production of antibodies - is not very effective against them. Antibiotics are also ineffective.

Prevention and self-help

General ways to strengthen the immune system i.e. good nutrition, the implementation of appropriate physical exercises. Try to avoid stress and depression whenever possible.


Common cold symptoms are runny nose, cough with phlegm.

High fever and characteristic muscle pain.

Weakness and a feeling of heaviness in the body.

Sweat and chills.

Cold, clammy goose bumps.

Dry, sore throat, pain when coughing.

Heavy breathing and secondary infection of the respiratory system.

Severe headaches and pain around the eyes.

Influenza and its treatmentWarning

Take extra vitamin C and zinc tablets.

Annual vaccinations are 60 to 70 percent effective. But there are cases of getting a disability from such a vaccination.

A complex of B vitamins helps during the recovery period. Take one tablet three times a day. For children, one tablet a day.

A hot drink made with honey and lemon relieves sore throat.

Take garlic capsules, one capsule four times daily during illness. For children: one capsule twice a day.

Steam inhalation with a few drops of essential oils (eucalyptus, thyme, chamomile, camphor, peppermint, rosemary or lavender) soothes coughs and other bothersome symptoms.

Quit smoking.

Homeopathy... Homeopathic treatments for influenza include:

Baptisia, for stomach infections and extreme weakness.

Gelsemium - for headaches and pain in the eyes.

Eupatorium perf. - with pain and aches "in the bones".

Arsenicum album - for irritability and anxiety.

Bryonia, for painful cough and thirst.

All drugs are taken at a 6x concentration. Take one tablet every two hours for up to six doses. Repeat after three days.

Children: If children are less than three years old, give the same dose, but as a potion, as it is difficult for them to swallow the tablets.

Herbal treatment

Effective medicinal plants for influenza:

Garlic - For throat symptoms and infection. Take capsules (or cloves) of garlic, one capsule four times daily.

Meadowsweet - for muscle pain and headaches. Take as a tea, one cup daily.

Chamomile decoction - to lower the temperature. Take as a tea, one cup daily.

Cherry bark - for cough and catarrh. Take as a tea, one cup daily.

Children: Between the ages of two and 12, give half the adult dose. Children under two years of age do not get the flu as described above.


Naturopaths recommend fasting for 48 hours, drinking plenty of fluids, resting, hot baths, hot water bottles, and compresses. Lemon balm tea will help with your recovery - drink one cup twice a day for one week.

Children: Ages 2 to 12 - one cup a day, under two - half a cup.

Traditional treatment

There is no specific remedy to fight the flu virus, so doctors recommend treating symptoms (such as gargling and using aspirin), drinking plenty of fluids, and getting some rest. Sometimes antibiotics may be prescribed to protect against reinfection, such as bronchitis or pneumonia. Antibiotics can also be prescribed for older people.


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