Take care of the birds!

Mcooker: best recipes About animals

Take care of the birdsIn the spring, as soon as the frosts subside and thaws begin, the first migratory birds - rooks - appear on the roads and thawed patches in the Moscow region. This usually happens in the second half of March. And after a week and a half, starlings return from warm countries and begin to bother about their wooden houses.

In May, the forests and gardens are full of bird voices. "Kuku! Ku-ku! " - the call of the cuckoo is heard far in the forest. "Trick, trick, trick!" - a sonorous, strong voice is heard in the thicket of small Christmas trees, in the thickets of raspberries. I can't believe that such a loud song is being sung by a tiny bird-king. At dusk, in the thickets of bushes, in the forests and gardens, you can hear the whistle and clicking - the beautiful song of the best singer - the nightingale.

At this time, almost all birds are busy laying eggs and hatching chicks.

Do your kids guard birds? Have they prepared bird houses? Do they protect the nests?

Take care of the birds

Tell the children about the great benefits that birds bring. Harmful insects destroy crops in gardens. Birds help humans to fight these pests. Birds feed almost all daylight hours and eat a lot of insects. Some birds, such as the owl, hunt at night. It was calculated that a tit, for example, eats as many insects per day as it weighs itself.

Chicks are especially gluttonous. They grow very quickly, and in some birds in 10-12 days they become as large as their parents.

Rodents do great harm to gardens, fields and forests. They eat young shoots, tree bark, destroy grain. Birds also help us fight rodents. An owl, for example, kills up to 1000 mice over the summer.

Birds are our faithful friends and orderlies who exterminate flies. They destroy weeds in fields and vegetable gardens. Birds carry plant seeds, feeding on berries of forest raspberries, viburnum, rowan. Waterfowl carry eggs of fish and small inhabitants of reservoirs.

Take care of the birds

Hunting birds (hazel grouse, black grouse, wood grouse, partridge, wild ducks, loons and others) are used in the national economy. They bring us meat, feathers, down and skins.

In order to increase the number of birds, protect birds, attract them to our forests, gardens and parks.

Help starlings, tits, pied flycatchers to nest, make houses for birds and hang them in trees, gardens and parks.

Make sure that the guys do not destroy the bird's nests and do not come close to them - the birds are shy and may abandon their offspring.

Take care of the birds

In summer and autumn, bird lovers collect seeds for winter feeding (seeds of burdock, thistle, horse sorrel, rowan berries and viburnum). They feed the birds and watermelon seeds, hemp... For tits, it is good to hang a piece of unsalted bacon near the feeder. Feeders are hung on trees, placed on stumps, posts, poles.

Feed is poured daily so that the birds do not lose the habit of feeding places. Some birds, such as tits, nest where they feed in the winter.

Encourage your children to be actively involved in Bird Day. Train them to care for birds all year round. Birds are our wealth!

L. Bekhtereva

Lover of long-distance flights

The champion of seasonal migrations is the Arctic Long-tailed Tern, a small white bird with a black flirtatious cap, red beak and red legs. For nesting, she chose the regions of the Far North - Alaska, the Arctic islands of Canada, Greenland, our Siberia. In autumn, leaving the tundra areas, the tern flies to the south, and so far that it again falls into the areas of ice and snow. It hibernates in Antarctica .. Thirty-two thousand kilometers - this is the way our terns make. And interestingly, the birds try to avoid warm areas, some of them even make a detour of several hundred kilometers, just to fly over cold currents. Why? It's all about the food.In cold waters, there are more small fish and crustaceans - the main food of terns.

Why can fish fly?   Distribution of flying fish in the oceans

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