A cozy home is the basis for a harmonious life

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A cozy home is the basis for a harmonious lifeWhat does a person expect from a closed space, the key to which is in his pocket? What do we mean by housing? And what should be done to make the apartment comfortable for living? You can ask many questions, but these three are enough to determine the subject of conversation about creating a residential interior.

Architectural styles are changing, the world of things is changing, even the person himself is changing. One thing remains unchanged: a person needs a home that would serve him faithfully and reliably.

Home is a place where a person recovers after a hard day. This is a space where he communicates with his family members, receives friends, where an atmosphere of balance reigns. At home I want to indulge in thought, be creative, have fun. The living environment affects the development of a person, his formation as a person, is reflected in his mood, relations between family members. The successful upbringing of children largely depends on the home. The home can and should be conducive to strengthening a small family community.

For all this, the interior of the apartment must be equipped. The interior is a space bounded by walls and a roof, and it depends on you how this space will be filled, how the family will feel in it. It is necessary to organize the space so that it does not surround you, but you live in it. Nothing in the environment should irritate, interfere, or be uncomfortable. If the shoes are tight, you can stretch them. And if in your apartment you feel uncomfortable, uncomfortable, then it is more difficult to help this grief. To fit a home for yourself, you need to spend a lot of effort, it will also require certain expenses.

Whether it is convenient or inconvenient to live in a house - this issue is of great importance. The concept of convenience is interpreted differently by different people. Habits, inclinations, tastes mean a lot in our life. Married life is, to some extent, a compromise. It also manifests itself in the approach to creating a family nest. An atmosphere of optimism should be created in the apartment, which is expressed in the ability to build life in such a way that difficulties cause only a smile.

An apartment is not square meters, not furniture, not wallpaper, not lamps. This is the relationship between the people living in it. The ultimate goal of organizing housing is to make these relationships harmonious. Harmony will arise when everyone is warm in the house, when he is pulled into the house.

Without warmth, the most thoughtful interior will be alien, in it a person will feel like an outsider. This happens when you find yourself in a prim, insincere society: you don't know what to say, where to put your hands. An apartment can be prim and insincere. Comfort is not bought, it is created, created. And all family members must create it. A person will never tell about himself as much as his apartment. Your apartment is your portrait. Does anyone want to see themselves in a portrait unattractive? Of course not.

In a comfortable apartment everything is so arranged and debugged that there is no lack of anything. But there is no excess! The word "comfort" is understood by many as "luxury". This interpretation is wrong. Comfort is nothing more than the convenience of living, saving time and effort. Comfort is a must.

By the dwelling one can judge the family's lifestyle, its tastes, preferences, and the level of culture. If the apartment is furnished in a standard way, "like everyone else," then this indicates the lack of independence of thinking, inability or unwillingness to show creative individuality. An apartment can be tiny and desirable, or it can be huge and inhospitable. It all depends on the family team.After all, a sense of collectivism, responsibility for a common cause is brought up not only at work, but also at home, when a person is left alone with himself, when he communicates with his family. A smile, a friendly look, a kind word warm, help to create a friendly family team. Friendship gives strength to a family. You can also say this: a smile, a kind word enrich the interior, make it beautiful. The nuances insignificant for a prying eye - whether it is a selection of books, cushions on the couch or an aquarium - can tell a lot about the owners.

The hallmark of a comfortable home is simplicity. Those who understand simplicity as dullness, primitiveness, dullness, squalor are mistaken. Architect Alexander Vesnin said that "simplification is the absence of any thought whatsoever, and we must strive for wise simplicity." Simplicity can also be defined as perfection. The wildflower is simple and therefore perfect. In a comfortable apartment there should be nothing pretentious, pretentious, pompous; she does not tolerate ostentatious wealth. Simplicity cannot be combined with luxury. Let us recall the wisdom of the ancients: "If there is not enough intelligence to do it simply, they do it richly." An apartment is created not to admire it, but to live in it.

A cozy home is the basis for a harmonious lifeWe all dream of an original interior. But to create it, you need to spend a lot of work. The construction of a dwelling is a complex and lengthy process, the ultimate goal of which is to meet the needs of its inhabitants.

In each case, it is necessary to take into account the living conditions and possibilities of the apartment, the habits and inclinations of family members. When furnishing an apartment, you need to take into account the prospects for the development of the home, because it is constantly changing, sensitively reflecting changes in the composition of the family, its material capabilities. The spirit of experimentation should be in the house. An interior created with your own hands cannot but be beautiful, because the soul, a part of the person himself, is invested in it. And thus the soulless space of a standard apartment will turn into a beloved and desired home. The apartment will become alive.

Before you start furnishing any room in the apartment, you need to think through everything to the smallest detail. The space of the apartment should be as versatile as possible, that is, suitable for a variety of activities. How to do this, we will talk in detail when discussing interior options for a particular room.

Let's walk through the apartment in this order: kitchen - bathroom - restroom - entrance hall - children's room - common room - balcony (loggia). We will draw up a program of work on equipping the apartment, giving it the properties of a dwelling. First, let's determine what role the room plays in the family's life. Then we will reflect on what can be placed in it, outline possible options for arranging furniture and equipment. And finally, let's figure out how you can decorate the interior yourself.

The dwelling should be adapted for cooking and eating, sleeping, resting, various occupations, storing things and objects, hygiene procedures, and raising children. In an apartment, a person should feel a sense of a full-blooded life. However, here it is better for us to quote the words of the famous architect Le Corbusier, who expressed himself sublimely and poetically: “A dwelling is the ability to move freely, stand, lie down; enjoy the coolness or warmth, relax, immerse yourself in meditation ... A dwelling is an opportunity to have a family that is a link in the eternal chain of life; this is the space necessary for family joys. "

So, to the point! Let's start creating space for family joys. We will create a house that will become a world for you, your children, where everyone will be warm, comfortable, where the atmosphere is lively and relaxed. "Cozy", "lively", "warm" - these words are obligatory when talking about the interior. An apartment is not an object or a "car for living". This is the universe that a person builds for himself and his family. Usually a person loves what he has perfected or created entirely himself. And take imagination, fantasy, creative impulse to help.

Andreev N.A. Our house

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